A simulation of disease spread in livestock populations. Includes detection and containment simulation.
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Supplemental Output Daily Exposures - When does Air as reason show up? #930

Closed missyschoenbaum closed 5 years ago

missyschoenbaum commented 5 years ago

@ndh2 another question - I thought that airborne as the reason for spread wouldn't show up in the Daily_exposures_X files. It does when the runs are very small. Is there some threshold where it will include airborne and where it will stop?

ConradSelig commented 5 years ago

I've spent just under an hour hoping to make a break on this but I am no closer to finding any useful information on it. Unfortunately C is a language a little out of my grasp right now - hopefully we'll be able to reach Neil and get this sorted out!

ndh2 commented 5 years ago

Hi @missyschoenbaum, I remember the history behind this one. There was some debate over how to count airborne "exposure" because in some sense everyone in a large circle around an infection source is "exposed" every day. But listing everyone in that large circle in this output file every day would be a) not very useful and b) create out-of-control output file sizes.

So, the compromise reached was to list exposures by airborne in the exposures table only if they were "adequate", that is, only if they passed the calculation given (1)(iii)(c) here: Typically airborne spread probabilities are low, so only a few locations in the large circle around an infection source would get an "adequate" exposure on any given day.

missyschoenbaum commented 5 years ago

@ndh2 Thanks! All I could remember was not showing because there were too many.