A simulation of disease spread in livestock populations. Includes detection and containment simulation.
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On Abort - command line errors #988

Closed missyschoenbaum closed 4 years ago

missyschoenbaum commented 4 years ago

This is something a use might not see, as the sim does abort as requested and presents gracefully in front end. Don't know how to classify it. OnAbort Steps to recreate Save Sample Scenario to new name (TestAbort) up the number of iterations to have enough time to execute abort - like at least 20 or more Apply, validate and run green status bar appears, abort button appears when progress is valid for abort (YEAH!) hit abort button front end gracefully ends and draws map with completed iterations (some count less that total) CMD throws errors.

BryanHurst commented 4 years ago

This is the webserver stating that the browser stopped waiting for the last request (because we aborted).

This can't easily be fixed.

missyschoenbaum commented 4 years ago

Improved name and wrote known bug.