A simulation of disease spread in livestock populations. Includes detection and containment simulation.
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Ordering Scenarios #989

Closed ConradSelig closed 4 years ago

ConradSelig commented 4 years ago

I had this idea when looking at #327. Currently scenarios in ADSM are ordered the same way they are in the user's workspace. This is good for continuity between when the user is in ADSM vs. when they are looking in their workplace, however it might be more usable if we ordered scenarios in ADSM either alphabetically or by last edit date.

Either ordering would be easy to implement. I think that ordering by the last edit date would be more useful, that way scenarios users are editing frequently would always be on top of the list of scenarios to open.

We could also look at some of the other changes in #327, but I think much of what Josiah was thinking about would be much to complicated for the average user and would just add confusion to how scenarios are saved.

@missyschoenbaum thoughts?

missyschoenbaum commented 4 years ago

Wow, #327 was complicated. I agree most users are not in this mindset, especially when they are new users. I do like the order by most recent, let's go ahead with that.

missyschoenbaum commented 4 years ago

Works great!