Open jyw-atgithub opened 2 months ago
Sounds there is a conflict between perl coming via the container and some stuff you have on your computer.
By default Singu bind/mount some directories from your computer (see the list here You may have a PERL5LIB environment variable setup somewhere that breaks the path to the singu perl.
You should try to check the PERL5LIB (and other specific PERL variable): echo $PERL5LIB
Check the perl you are using which perl
Hi! I am using the singularity on school's computation cluster. After building the sif image of AGAT-1.4.1, I had an error. The processes is shown below:
In addition, I had tried installation thorugh conda, micromamba, and manual way but all failed. I tried our systems perl modules and both failed. For example I used
module load perl/5.30.0 R/4.3.3
(or perl/5.34.1) and both gave me the following message during themake test
step. No error messaged at the dependency installation or the make stage.Please tell me if I need to provide more info. Thank you!