Ingest a file. The record about a file appears in the DB with ID 1. Also, this file lands to the S3 as an object with the ID 1, because the ID of an object is taken from the DB.
Recreate DB instance. Not just restart it, but recreate.
Ingest one more file.
E.R.: File is put to S3 as a separate file.
A.R.: Existing file with ID 1 is overwritten in S3, because files table is dropped in DB and IDs sequence starts over from 1.
Database in our deployments doesn't have persistent volume (like inbox or s3). So each time one recreates the DB service, the tables are erased and numeration starts from the beginning.
File are put to the S3 by database IDs.
Possible fixes:
Use something like UUID-generation for IDs (e.g. uuid-ossp Postgress extension).
Introduce a persistent volume for database so the tables survive service recreation.
Don't put files to Object Storage by their database IDs, but better by some randomly generated UUID, along with inserting this UUID to the database to the corresponding file-record.
Test case:
. Also, this file lands to the S3 as an object with the ID1
, because the ID of an object is taken from the DB.1
is overwritten in S3, becausefiles
table is dropped in DB and IDs sequence starts over from1
.This happens because of several factors.
table:ID here is a simple auto-increment.
). So each time one recreates the DB service, the tables are erased and numeration starts from the beginning.Possible fixes:
Postgress extension).