NBISweden / aMeta

Ancient microbiome snakemake workflow
MIT License
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No rebuilding of bowtie2 database, Readme database download info, log file path correction fixing issue #85, no "number" in PMDtools #116

Closed ZoePochon closed 1 year ago

ZoePochon commented 1 year ago

I tested the version with no "number" parameter of PMDtools and it worked fine. I corrected the log file path of Bowtie2_Index and Samtools_Faidx which were giving warnings previously in issue #85. Add some information on ways to download the databases in the README. Make "ancient" the input file of Bowtie2_Index and Samtools_Faidx because the full database can be downloaded and rerunning the database building and indexing is too much time and memory intensive.