NBISweden / ejprd

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add beacon #20

Closed MalinAhlberg closed 6 months ago

MalinAhlberg commented 6 months ago

Adds a beacon with data from ejprd-data. Follow instructions in docs/beacon.md:

  1. (First time only:) Run git submodule init
  2. Run git submodule update --remote to checkout the beaconized data
  3. Start beacon: docker compose up
  4. (First time only: )Run: config/beacon_db_load.sh to load all data to the db
  5. Beacon should be running at port 5050, try it curl localhost:5050/api | jq .
  6. Try to search for a specific variant:
    curl 'https://beacon.gdi.elixir-greece.org/api/g_variants?referenceName=22&start=16050114&end=16050115&referenceBases=A&alternateBases=G' | jq .

Future work: connecting to lsaai. This instance will only work with the datasets from ejprd-data. No authorization is done.