The problem is there is the ID is the maker ID for instance : maker-ptg000318l-exonerate_protein2genome-gene-0.2and not a Lleo10 something
and I just checked and realised I have had this problem in june already... so I don't know when it started.
I have seen also that if the pipeline is run twice the ID have different number but I think it is more dues to maybe we should modify it.
I ran the functional pipeline twice one with the --pcds option and one without and got the following problem :
params.yml :
custom.config :
command line :
results :
The problem is the ID is for instance NBISG00000044641 and not Lleo1000000044641
params3.yml :
custom3.config :
command line :
results :
The problem is there is the ID is the maker ID for instance :
and not a Lleo10 somethingand I just checked and realised I have had this problem in june already... so I don't know when it started.
I have seen also that if the pipeline is run twice the ID have different number but I think it is more dues to maybe we should modify it.
Thank you!