NBISweden / pipelines-nextflow

A set of workflows written in Nextflow for Genome Annotation.
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Organelle Finder workflow #69

Closed ViktorSade closed 1 year ago

ViktorSade commented 2 years ago

Prototype organelle finder workflow

mahesh-panchal commented 2 years ago

Toy showing output only has to match pattern, and won't complain if the other is not there. main.nf:

nextflow.enable.dsl = 2

workflow {

process FOO {
    each org

    path "*.txt"

    touch file_${org}.txt


process {
    withName: 'FOO' {
        publishDir = [
            path: './results',
            pattern: "*_{mito,chlo}.txt"

Each task makes a different file, but the pattern matches them both.

mahesh-panchal commented 2 years ago

And {} in pattern: doesn't work, but also doesn't error. It just silently matches nothing.

mahesh-panchal commented 2 years ago

Also when your final version is ready, change the pull request to Ready for review from a Draft.

LucileSol commented 2 years ago

I ran nextflow run -profile singularity ../git/applied/pipelines-nextflow/subworkflows/OrganelleFinder/OrganelleFinder.nf -params-file 'plant_params.yml'

with this parameter file :

# General parameters
genome_assembly : 'linum_all.fna'
reference_mitochondria : 'mitochondrion.1.1.genomic.fna'
reads_file : ''
input_type : 'plant'
outdir: './results'

# Mitochondrial parameters
mit_blast_evalue : '1e-6'
mit_bitscore : 100
mit_significant_gene_matches : 2
mit_suspicious_gene_matches : 1
mit_max_contig_length : 100000
mit_min_span_fraction : 0.8

reference_chloroplast: 'plastid.1.1.genomic.fna'
chl_blast_evalue : '1e-6'
chl_bitscore : 100
chl_significant_gene_matches : 2
chl_suspicious_gene_matches : 1
chl_max_contig_length : 100000
chl_min_span_fraction : 0.8

The pipeline ran but I have no results meaning that it did not find any chloroplast or mitochondria (and I am sure it contains mitochondria and chloroplast), the statistics files are also empty.

In my genome sequence I have :


Where the first 12 contigs are mitochondria and the last two chloroplasts.

Is there some specific format that my contigs should follow? (uppercase/lowercase, number of nucleotides per line, naming ...)

nylander commented 2 years ago

Short comment on the status: current code did not run (@LucileSol ), and further testing is needed.