I pull the program to the local,then type command line 'nextflow list',you can see
then i run the program with command line 'nextflow run NBISweden/wgs-structvar --bam lixueyi.raw.sort.bam --project TestLixueyi --steps manta,normalize,vep --prefix lixueyi --outdir ./resutl-wgs-structvar/',But it reported an error:
content of file '/home/hanxl/.nextflow/assets/NBISweden/wgs-structvar/nextflow.config':
I pull the program to the local,then type command line 'nextflow list',you can see
then i run the program with command line 'nextflow run NBISweden/wgs-structvar --bam lixueyi.raw.sort.bam --project TestLixueyi --steps manta,normalize,vep --prefix lixueyi --outdir ./resutl-wgs-structvar/',But it reported an error:
content of file '/home/hanxl/.nextflow/assets/NBISweden/wgs-structvar/nextflow.config':