NBP-ACC / week-4-acc_9

week-4-acc_9 created by GitHub Classroom
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Review from Group 11 #1

Open Traumfaengerin opened 5 years ago

Traumfaengerin commented 5 years ago

Assignment 0: Peer review for sheet 01 [3 pts) Clear and concise evaluation of the groups 3 and 2 -> 3/3 pts

Assignment 1: Dataframes a) Importing a csv file [2 pts] --> works perfectly fine --> 2/2 pts b) Working with dataframes [2 pts] --> averaging works, renaming not --> 1,5/2 pts

Assignment 2: Statistical plotting [6 pts] a) Boxplot and Violinplot [2 pts] - As far as I understood it you should not plot that requested for EVERY participant but for all (which would make way more sense as well) apart from that very nicely done 1,5/2 pts b) Violinplot combining all data of all groups [3 pts] Nicely done, a header for the plots to detect which ones are for your group and which are for all groups would have been optimal --> 3/3 pts c) Scatterplot [1 pts] Why did you plot a regression plot? The description of the correlation does not really fit with what's displayed. Apart from that nicely done 0,5/1 pts

in total 10,5/12 pts