A unified collection of python scripts used to generate standard plots from CAM outputs.
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TEM Calculations/Plots #225

Open justin-richling opened 1 year ago

justin-richling commented 1 year ago

New feature type

New plot and/or plot enhancement

What is this new feature?

The Transformed Eulerian Mean diagnostics would be a good addition to the ADF as an option similar to the QBO.

I've spoken with @dan800 and have his working code. There will need to be a little discussion about specifics like how the plots come out, single vs multiple time steps desired, etc.

If you are looking to use this set of diagnostics, please comment below on what specifics the ADF should use for the TEM calcs/plots.

Assistance required?

No, I will make a PR when the feature is ready

Extra info

I currently have a working version in the ADF, with all plots in one image:


justin-richling commented 1 year ago

Some comments from Dan about current TEM ADF calcs/plots:

I think we really need the seasonal averages to judge the model circulation and forcing. We now have the infrastructure in place and just need to tweak the figures to make them the most useful.

We may also want to have the capability to compare the test case to the baseline side by side.

Some comments from Rolando:


  1. Basically, the output looks good. It is insufficient for a full TEM momentum budget because accelerations due to (parameterized) GW are missing. Ideally, one would add terms like UTGWORO, etc., but I am aware that, in the past, it has been judged to be inefficient to output those terms on a daily basis.

  2. One might also want to look at the TEM thermodynamic balance, in which case zonal-mean T and heating terms can be added to the output (QRL_TOT, QRS_TOT, etc.). I have often done this, and it is a good consistency check between TEM momentum and thermodynamic budgets.

  3. Color table scales need tweaking. In some cases, log scales would help, e.g., when showing Fy, Fz, which are strong functions of altitude (they grow as exp(z/H) unless the waves are dissipated.)

  4. Color tables vs. line contours: For published work, I find I often need to show contours. Color tables, in particular the blue-red one used here, do not allow fine discrimination among contour levels.

  5. It is not clear why “zonal-mean meridional wind” is shown in a set of TEM diagnostics. It doesn’t hurt, but it is not needed for TEM analyses.

  6. The advective tendency terms (last two panels shown) are not particularly useful outside the Tropics, where the TEM momentum budget often reduces to -fv = div(F) + GWdrag. But for the QBO they are important, especially w dU/dz, assuming the particular model being run actually has a QBO. Of course, one can always compute these offline from U, v and w. In short, these are useful but not strictly necessary.

  7. Altitude range shown should depend on the model being run, obviously. For full WACCM, I often cut things off at ~110 km (~1.5e-4 hPa), as the last few scale heights are in the sponge layer. The results linked are (apparently) for the low top model. I wouldn’t believe much of anything shown above 10 hPa for these results, if that.

justin-richling commented 1 year ago

For the TEM calculations, there still needs a vertical and horizontal interpolation for cases that have different vertical levels

islasimpson commented 1 year ago

@justin-richling can you point me towards the code you're using for these TEM diagnostics? I'm concerned there's a bug, but it might also just be a bug in one of my own scripts.

justin-richling commented 1 year ago

@islasimpson here is the branch I'm developing the TEM in, there are two scripts: averaging/ for making the files and plotting/ for the plotting. I took Dan's code that I believe was built off the work you did initially, but maybe something went wrong in trying to adapt it to the ADF.

Let me know if you find a bug in mine and I'll work on getting it resolved.

islasimpson commented 12 months ago

Thanks. Don't worry - if there's a bug it has originated with me and not in the adaptation to ADF. I will check out its impact and get back to you