A unified collection of python scripts used to generate standard plots from CAM outputs.
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Wishlist of chemistry obs datasets #237

Open rrbuchholz opened 1 year ago

rrbuchholz commented 1 year ago

New feature type

New plot and/or plot enhancement, New table and/or analytic calculation, Other (please explain below)

What is this new feature?

Adding chemistry observations to ADF

Chemistry observations to compare model output with. In this issue, we are collecting the list of datasets and variables we want to prioritize to be able to evaluate the model simulations.


Based off the previous diagnostics package: Chemistry Set Description 1 Tables / Chemistry of ANN global budgets 2 Vertical Contour Plots contour plots of DJF, MAM, JJA, SON and ANN zonal means 3 Ozone Climatology Comparisons Profiles, Seasonal Cycle and Taylor Diagram 4 Column O3 and CO lon/lat Comparisons to satellite data 5 Vertical Profile Profiles Comparisons to NOAA Aircraft observations 6 Vertical Profile Profiles Comparisons to Emmons Aircraft climatology 7 Surface observation Scatter Plot Comparisons to IMROVE


Carbon Monoxide (CO)

Dataset 1 (map)

Aerosol Optical Depth (AOD)

Dataset 1 (map)

Dataset 2 (map)

Ozone (O3)

Dataset 1 (map)

Dataset 2 (profile)

Assistance required?

Yes, I will need some assistance before making a PR

Extra info

Chemistry diagnostic