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update defaults to use ERA5 climos #239

Closed brianpm closed 1 year ago

brianpm commented 1 year ago

Adds some ERA5 information in the variable defaults yaml file.

The files that these point to are currently in this directory: /glade/work/brianpm/obs_data_for_adf/ and will need to be migrated to wherever we're keeping ADF climo files.

NOTE: These are on pressure levels where applicable, and are on the 0.25° grid. This causes a big performance hit because the default regridding puts the model data on the observation grid (I think).

All climos are monthly, based on 1979-2021. File names:

I have done some preliminary testing. It all seems to work.

nusbaume commented 1 year ago

@brianpm Just FYI that I have copied over your ERA5 files to:


so that they are now with all of the other ADF obs files, and the ADF should run out-of-the-box with the ERA5 data if a user is running on casper or cheyenne.

Also, I went ahead and converted the ERA5 PS and PSL variables to hPa so that they better match the default model values (which are also converted to hPa in the ADF). Of course if you would prefer to have the ERA5 values in units of Pa just let me know. Thanks!