Discussions on CARMA development and descriptions of model simulations
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Sulfate Budget #17

Closed Toon-cloud closed 1 year ago

Toon-cloud commented 1 year ago

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Originally posted by **tilmes** January 30, 2023 We are trying to produce a close sulfate budget, but it seems like despite the model being in balance, the numbers don't add up and we are missing a source as produced by @tilmes image @cbardeen has developed adding code to calculate physics tendencies for different parts in the code that are believed to change the sulfate interstital and cloud borne aerosols: image @cbardeen Please describe the package and how to include in CESM and CARMA, it in this discussion. Conclusions from this work: Tendencies are not quite in balance (net is 6TgS/yr) 1. CARMA tendencies (CHEM) show that we have a total production of PR + MX aerosol of about 16TgS/yr consistent with the H2SO4TC tendencies 2. CRTEND: Total CARMA tendencies are -18TgS/yr: this means we have a dry deposition of around 34TgS/yr, if we calculate dry deposition from *DD we get similar values 3. Microphysics (three sub steps) show that interstitial aerosols move into cloud borne. We see an increase of total sulfate here of about 12TgS per year, it is not clear why 4. Wet removal in CAM: we see a wet removal of about 28TgS/yr from the tendencies, consistent with when we calculate it from the wet removal terms that CAM writes out 5. We see that there is a source of sulfate of 28TgS/yr in VDIF (vertical diffusion term). This source term may be coming from emissions, but we are still exploring this.