Discussions on CARMA development and descriptions of model simulations
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Sea Salt extinction in FWmaCARMAHIST #40

Open ilaria-quaglia opened 9 months ago

ilaria-quaglia commented 9 months ago

We want to increase sea salt burden and extinction by modifying sea salt removal through hygroscopicity (Kappa_SALT from 1.0 to 0.4).

Cases in /glade/work/iquaglia/cases/

ilaria-quaglia commented 9 months ago

Sea salt burden increases of about 0.5 Tg in CARMA16_Ks0.4 compared with CARMA14, but is still 3.0 Tg lower than in MAM4 (average over 1990). This change also affected other species, particularly DUST. burden


ilaria-quaglia commented 9 months ago

However, the optical depth of sea salt decreases globally by 0.005, with positive changes only in some regions of the land. aod_gm aod_map2

tilmes commented 9 months ago

@ilaria-quaglia, thanks so much! Very interesting. I checked the kappa for sea-salt, and it is actually above 1, so I guess this is not what we want anyways. We could run a test where we increase it to 1.5 or even 2. still in the range of observations. However, I think that as Brian Toon has noted without more bins, to that extent, we may not have much success. Let's continue working on the 22-bin model (larger bins for dust and sea-salt and see how that changes things). I will start some new MAM runs for 1980-2000 soon.

ilaria-quaglia commented 9 months ago

We discarded the idea of changing Kappa_SALT and we consider a new simulation without SOA photolysis. The first figure show the volume mixing ratio averaged over 1990 in CARMA and over 2016-2018 in MAM. mmr_simcnf

The second figure shows the differences between CARMA and MAM.


tilmes commented 9 months ago

@ilaria-quaglia Thanks! Could you add the AOD comparisons for the different species? I am hoping that we are now higher than we were before....

ilaria-quaglia commented 9 months ago

Figure 1 shows the total AOD at 550 nm compared to MERRA, and the maps are averaged over the available volcanic quiescence period. The higher values in FWmaHIST_CARMA_nudged_16_no_soa_phot are due to the SOA (see Figure 2). aod_merra

Figure 2 shows the global AOD at 550 nm for each species and average values over the available volcanic quiescence period are summarised in the following table. aod_gm

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