NCAR / CESM_postprocessing

Project repository for the CESM python based post-processing code, documentation and issues tracking.
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Lnd timeseries files created for hourly data have year overlaps #138

Closed olyson closed 6 years ago

olyson commented 6 years ago

I'm using the postprocessing to generate lnd timeseries files for hourly data. I'm requesting year chunks, i.e., my settings in env_timeseries.xml are:

  <file_extension suffix=".h7.[0-9]">

But I'm getting the following timeseries files, e.g., for the variable BTRAN:

So, the first year (2005) is ok, but then I get a file with two years on it, and then the next file in the sequence has two years on it with a year of overlap with the previous file.

Am I missing a setting where or is something overriding my settings in env_timeseries.xml?

My postprocessing case directory is:


bertinia commented 6 years ago

@olyson - I'm able to repeat the problem using your clm2.h7 data files for this case.

bertinia commented 6 years ago

For @sherimickelson: Here's my postprocess case:


and the raw input history files are here:


There is no difference between the ts_status.log. and timeseries.log. files for 1-year chunks or a single 10-year chunk. I'm running the 1-year chunks again with additional debugging information.

bertinia commented 6 years ago

This problem only appears for this dataset clm2.h7 1-hour data chunked into 1 year single variable time-series files. If the chunk size is set to 10 years, then there is no problem. The problem also seems to be unrelated to the PE decomposition as I tried with the default 4 nodes, 18 mpi-tasks-per-node and 1 node, 16 mpi-tasks-per-node on cheyenne.

bertinia commented 6 years ago

fixed with PR #139