Open hkershaw-brown opened 3 years ago
branch make_fake_fix has a fix for this bug. Needs checking against other uses of create_obs.
note check obs_sequence radar crash with debugging flags. May be related to this.
make_fake_obs also needs:
moving to programs or maybe more sensibly developer_tests. The comment in the code seems to suggest that make_fake_obs is for testing obs_diag:
! Generate an observation sequence FINAL file to thoroughly test obs_diag.
! Lots of goals for this routine.
! * all observation 'levels' for all 'VERTISxxxx' possibilities
! * exercise all 'regions'
! * exercise U,V wind combinations
! I want to test the vertical binning, the geographic binning, etc.
:bug: Your bug may already be reported! Please search on the issue tracker before creating a new issue.
Describe the bug
List the steps someone needs to take to reproduce the bug.
cd DART/observations/obs_converters/utilities/threed_sphere (edit: now DART/observations/obs_converters/test_obs/) use mkmf.template with debugging ./quickbuild.csh (with debugging options in mkmf.template ./make_fake_obs
What was the expected outcome? make_fake_obs runs to completion
What actually happened?
Array mismatch
Error Message
Which model(s) are you working with?
Version of DART
Have you modified the DART code?
Build information
Please describe: