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Update CLM-DART for Derecho #611

Closed braczka closed 6 months ago

braczka commented 6 months ago


Primarily shell scripting updates to customize to Derecho. Also will update CLM and CLM Tutorial documentation. Will bring in the SourceMod CLM-DART code to version control instead of downloading through image server.

Because of delays when initializing the CAM reanalysis files through campaign/collections directory, reinstituted both 'complete' and 'single_year' datm streamlist files in shell scripts.

Fixes issue

Address issue #610

Types of changes

Documentation changes needed?


Performed CLM-DART tutorial and verified results are reproduceable.

Checklist for merging

Checklist for release

Testing Datasets

braczka commented 6 months ago

Draft PR for now. Need to bring in documentation changes as well as SourceMod code for version control.

braczka commented 6 months ago

Documentation changes completed. Only need to bring in SourceMod code before ready for review.

braczka commented 6 months ago

CLM-DART SourceMods have been added for cesm2_2, cesm1_1 and cesm1_2. The CLM-DART Tutorial works with cesm2_2 SourceMod changes and current research is performed with this version or later. Older CLM SourceMod changes were brought along for completeness, but I am unaware of any users still using these older versions.

Put in request with cislhelp to further evaluate sluggish response time with /glade/campaign/collections/rda. Current code partially addresses this by customizing staged reanalysis files based on run time.

braczka commented 6 months ago

Ready for review. Only requires 1 review -- whatever most convenient for Marley and Helen.

hkershaw-brown commented 6 months ago

Hi Brett, Great work getting this going on Derecho.

A couple of questions on the SourceMods

  1. Are these SourceMods applicable to other models than CLM? If so is DART/models/CESM/ a good location to put the sourceMods in?

  2. The documentation is has instructions for getting the sourcemods from I think this can be changed to 'get the sourcemods from the directory in DART'

braczka commented 6 months ago

Hi Brett, Great work getting this going on Derecho.

A couple of questions on the SourceMods

  1. Are these SourceMods applicable to other models than CLM? If so is DART/models/CESM/ a good location to put the sourceMods in?
  2. The documentation is has instructions for getting the sourcemods from I think this can be changed to 'get the sourcemods from the directory in DART'

These SourceMods are more CLM specific. Although SourceMods contain directories for other parts of CESM beyond CLM, this is more the accepted practice, and many of these non-CLM directories are empty, especially for cesm2_2_0.