Open hkershaw-brown opened 1 month ago
In compute_u_with_rbf there is a loop around ens_size, for get_reconstruct
but uval(1:ens_size) is set to set to the single value ureconstructzonal/ureconstructmeridional so you are getting the whole ensemble set each step of the loop
whole ensemble == last value from the loop.
todo can be different across the ensemble
find_vert_indices is a wrap around find_vert_level. Remove
convert_vert_distrib_state (state) convert_vert_distrib (obs)
super repetitive & according to this comment state is calling the interpolation anyway:
If rbf is depricated 11 years ago, possibly it is time to remove the code? note see comment on incorrect rbf calulcaiton.
Shells scripts are out of date, user complaints about cycling. Lots of csh (poor).
Documentation is poor, also points people to this MPAS page which sends people to none existent documentation (
Note, beware of whatever the regional stuff is doing. Seems like some bizarre choices here.
update_bc.f90 is calling use direct_netcdf_mod,only : read_variables
directly. 🙃
why is this compile time, rather than runtime:
why is this compile time, rather than runtime:
oh add_static_data_to_diags
is not used and there is also a compile time (namelist) option write_grid_to_diag_file
! FIXME: it may be desirable to read in xCell(:), yCell(:), zCell(:)
! to keep from having to compute them on demand, especially since we
! have converted the radian lat/lon of the cell centers into degrees.
! we have to convert back, then take a few sin and cos to get xyz.
! time/space/accuracy tradeoff here.
currently unused (11 years). Not needed for regional? Or should be used?
This data on edge logic seems overcomplicated
variable dimension tells you edge vs cell, .e.g
float u(Time, nEdges, nVertLevels) ;
u:units = "m s^{-1}" ;
u:long_name = "Horizontal normal velocity at edges" ;
float qs(Time, nCells, nVertLevels) ;
qs:units = "kg kg^{-1}" ;
qs:long_name = "Snow mixing ratio" ;
"causes mpas namelists to be read" - does not appear to be true
This comment, not sure what it is getting at:
boundary domain variables do not get bounds for clamping:
not used & not requried.
called but value unused in update_bc ?
serial loop around files for update bc:
Only used by mpas_dart_obs_preprocess, then global
does not appear to be used
Hardcoded dom_id in update_mpas_states:
serial loop around files for rupdate_mpas_states
progvar is removed and replaced with state structure. Notes on done/not done routines
I'm concerned about update_bc and update_mpas_states hard coding domains and using read_variables directory. Also,
memory wise - reading the whole state in
performance wise, looping around each restart file in update_mpas_states
todo docs:
oncenters is not binary (3 choices)
find_vert_indices -> find_vert_level( ..., oncenters=.true., ...)
the logic for oncenters is a bit weird to be passing all the way down the call tree.
Here it is hardcoded .true. for pressure otherwise .false.
but oncenters ignored for pressure:
oncenters(/faces/edges) only relevant for HEIGHT? oncenters/faces/edges Can be queried from the obs_kind.
Unresolved issues:
Surface elevation check
! Reject obs if the station height is far way from the model terrain.
but fwd operators (rttov) need these surface values see discussion
branch (be aware I may force push to this)
Spec (note 7 v 8)