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CRU-JRA w/ Sturm_vegMods + new SNICAR (ctsm51_ctsm51d150_ne30pg3ne30pg3mg17_CRUJRA_ABCDE_1850AD, 1850pAD, 1850) #34

Open wwieder opened 8 months ago

wwieder commented 8 months ago

Description: As with #33, this would use Sturm + ABCD veg mods + SNICAR updates, but with CRU-JRA (not GSWP3 forcing) in a BGC run.

This may be worth doing, as we see colder soil temperatures from #20, which may help our permafrost extent issues with Sturm snow thermal conductivity?

We also decided to turn on Meier roughness in the control (see Issue #35 ), so we do that here as well.

Case directory: Locally: /glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.1.dev150/cime/scripts/ctsm51_ctsm51d150_ne30pg3ne30pg3mg17_CRUJRAABCDE(1850AD, 1850pAD, 1850)

Sandbox: Locally: /glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.1.dev150

usernl changes:

use_nl_clm: hist_fincl1 = 'TOTECOSYSC', 'TOTECOSYSN', 'TOTSOMC', 'TOTSOMN', 'TOTVEGC', 'TOTVEGN', 'TLAI', 'GPP', 'CPOOL', 'NPP', 'TWS', 'H2OSNO','NDEP_TO_SMINN' use_c13 = .true. use_c14 = .true. use_c13_timeseries = .true. use_c14_bombspike = .true. fsurdat = '/glade/work/slevis/git/mksurfdata_toolchain/tools/mksurfdata_esmf/' paramfile = '/glade/p/cgd/tss/people/oleson/modify_param/' z0param_method = 'Meier2022'


src.clm/atm2lndType.F90: Add some additional history fields src.clm/clm_varpar.F90: nlevurb=5 -> nlevurb=10 src.clm/surfrdMod.F90: Remove read of PFTDATA_MASK src.clm/Wateratm2lndType.F90: Add some additional history fields src.clm/SoilTemperatureMod.F90 Sturm Snow tk src.clm/CNPhenologyMod.F90 decreasing temperature thresholds to -3C, reducing the minimum critical daylength by 25%, doubling the snow threshold (I think to 20 cm) src.clm/BareGroundFluxesMod.F90 Address issue #2219.


Output: /glade/scratch/oleson/archive/ctsm51_ctsm51d150_ne30pg3ne30pg3mg17_CRUJRA_ABCDE_1850AD/ /glade/scratch/oleson/archive/ctsm51_ctsm51d150_ne30pg3ne30pg3mg17_CRUJRA_ABCDE_1850pAD/ /glade/scratch/oleson/archive/ctsm51_ctsm51d150_ne30pg3ne30pg3mg17_CRUJRA_ABCDE_1850/

Contacts: @olyson

Extra details: A - SturmSnowtk (implemented via src.clm/SoilTemperatureMod.F90) B - decidphenotrig (implemented via src.clm/CNPhenologyMod.F90) C - frootleaf (implemented via D - FUNfracfixers (implemented via E - new SNICAR (but note that this simulation is using a new CTSM tag, so other changes are involved here)

See discussion in AD spunup to 2.66% disequilibrium, 440 years pAD spunup to 6.90% disequilibrium, 880 years

olyson commented 8 months ago

I will turn on Meier roughness since we decided to do that for the control. I just need to put in a SourceMod for the forcing height issue we found. And create a new parameter file with the ABCDE mods that is built off of the Meier parameter file.

olyson commented 8 months ago

@slevis-lmwg , the Meier parameter file doesn't seem to show up in the lnd_in when I turn Meier roughness on. I assume I have to put it in my user_nl_clm. Is this the most recent file that should be used with ctsm5.1.dev150? /glade/p/cesm/cseg/inputdata/lnd/clm2/paramdata/

slevis-lmwg commented 8 months ago

Keith, that looks right to me.

olyson commented 7 months ago

Just to note that because of the recent problems on cheyenne this has been stalled in the queue since 11/25/23.

wwieder commented 7 months ago

Can we run on Derecho yet, or is this still not straightforward?