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Sturm_vegMods + new SNICAR + SNICAR param changes w/xdrdt=5 (ctsm51_ctsm51d150_ne30pg3ne30pg3mg17_GSWP3V1_ABCDE_blk_A5BCD_1850AD) #42

Open olyson opened 6 months ago

olyson commented 6 months ago

Description: Same as ctsm51_ctsm51d150_ne30pg3ne30pg3mg17_GSWP3V1_ABCDE_blk_ABCD_1850AD but with xdrdt=5 and a code mod such that the xdrdt change actually takes effect. The ABCDE_blk_ABCD simulation had xdrdt changed to 2, but it didn't take effect because of an issue in the code Just running an AD for now. Note that this uses ctsm5.1.dev150.

Case directory: Locally: /glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.1.dev150/cime/scripts/ctsm51_ctsm51d150_ne30pg3ne30pg3mg17_GSWP3V1_ABCDE_blk_A5BCD_1850AD

Sandbox: Locally: /glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.1.dev150

usernl changes:

user_nl_clm: hist_nhtfrq = 0 hist_mfilt = 1 hist_empty_htapes = .false. hist_fincl1 = 'FSDSND','FSDSVD','FSDSNI','FSDSVI','RAIN_FROM_ATM','SNOW_FROM_ATM','FLDS_NOT_DOWNSCALED','ZBOT','Tair_from_atm','Thair_from_atm','QBOT_NOT_DOWNSCALED','PBOT_NOT_DOWNSCALED','Rho_from_atm','PCO2','UWIND','VWIND','BCPHIDRY','BCPHODRY','BCPHIWET','OCPHIDRY','OCPHODRY','OCPHIWET','DSTWET1','DSTDRY1','DSTWET2','DSTDRY2','DSTWET3','DSTDRY3','DSTWET4','DSTDRY4','ATM_TOPO' use_c13 = .true. use_c14 = .true. use_c13_timeseries = .true. use_c14_bombspike = .true. fsurdat = '/glade/work/slevis/git/mksurfdata_toolchain/tools/mksurfdata_esmf/' paramfile = '/glade/p/cgd/tss/people/oleson/modify_param/'

snicar_snobc_intmix = .true. fresh_snw_rds_max = 400.d


src.clm/atm2lndType.F90: Add some additional history fields src.clm/clm_varpar.F90: nlevurb=5 -> nlevurb=10 src.clm/surfrdMod.F90: Remove read of PFTDATA_MASK src.clm/Wateratm2lndType.F90: Add some additional history fields src.clm/SoilTemperatureMod.F90 Sturm Snow tk src.clm/CNPhenologyMod.F90 decreasing temperature thresholds to -3C, reducing the minimum critical daylength by 25%, doubling the snow threshold (I think to 20 cm) src.clm/controlMod.F90 remove error associated with snicar_snobc_intmix src.clm/SnowSnicarMod.F90 set flg_snoage_scl to .true. so that xdrdt change takes effect


Output: Output (if still available): /glade/scratch/oleson/archive/ctsm51_ctsm51d150_ne30pg3ne30pg3mg17_GSWP3V1_ABCDE_blk_A5BCD_1850AD/

Contacts: @olyson @wwieder

Extra details: My case name lengths are out of control, so I've designated this combination simulation as ABCDE_blk_A5BCD, where the first ABCD is: A - SturmSnowtk (implemented via src.clm/SoilTemperatureMod.F90) B - decidphenotrig (implemented via src.clm/CNPhenologyMod.F90) C - frootleaf (implemented via D - FUNfracfixers (implemented via E - new SNICAR blk - snicar_snobc_intmix = .true. (implemented via namelist, per Issue #36 ) and the next ABCD is (per Issue #36 ) A5 - xdrdt = 5 (implemented via and takes effect by code change to SnowSnicarMod.F90) B - scvng_fct_mlt_sf = 0.5 (implemented via C - snw_rds_refrz = 1500 (implemented via D - fresh_snw_rds_max = 400._r8 (implemented via namelist)

See discussion in and Issue #36 AD spunup to 2.64% disequilibrium, 280 years pAD spunup to X.XX% disequilibrium, X years Complete for now.