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DERECHO + Sturm_vegMods + new SNICAR + SNICAR param changes w/xdrdt=5 + revert to d150 (ctsm51_ctsm51d160r150_ne30pg3ne30pg3mg17_GSWP3V1_ABCDE_blk_A5BCD_1850AD) #44

Open olyson opened 6 months ago

olyson commented 6 months ago

Description: Same as ctsm51_ctsm51d150_ne30pg3ne30pg3mg17_GSWP3V1_ABCDE_blk_A5BCD_1850AD but run on Derecho. The purpose is to see what differences we get on Derecho compared to Cheyenne, and to establish a new baseline on Derecho for the dead veg discussion. Differences would not be entirely due to Cheyenne-> Derecho because of answer-changing tag differences between ctsm5.1.dev160 (required for Derecho support) and ctsm5.1.dev150 (used in the Cheyenne version of the simulation), but my plan is to try to revert the answer-changing items for this simulation.

Case directory: Locally: /glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.1.dev160/cime/scripts/ctsm51_ctsm51d160r150_ne30pg3ne30pg3mg17_GSWP3V1_ABCDE_blk_A5BCD_1850AD

Sandbox: Locally: /glade/work/oleson/ctsm5.1.dev160

usernl changes:

user_nl_clm: hist_nhtfrq = 0 hist_mfilt = 1 hist_empty_htapes = .false. hist_fincl1 = 'FSDSND','FSDSVD','FSDSNI','FSDSVI','RAIN_FROM_ATM','SNOW_FROM_ATM','FLDS_NOT_DOWNSCALED','ZBOT','Tair_from_atm','Thair_from_atm','QBOT_NOT_DOWNSCALED','PBOT_NOT_DOWNSCALED','Rho_from_atm','PCO2','UWIND','VWIND','BCPHIDRY','BCPHODRY','BCPHIWET','OCPHIDRY','OCPHODRY','OCPHIWET','DSTWET1','DSTDRY1','DSTWET2','DSTDRY2','DSTWET3','DSTDRY3','DSTWET4','DSTDRY4','ATM_TOPO' use_c13 = .true. use_c14 = .true. use_c13_timeseries = .true. use_c14_bombspike = .true. fsurdat = '/glade/work/slevis/git/mksurfdata_toolchain/tools/mksurfdata_esmf/' !KO This file should not create any differences with ctsm5.1.dev150 (see /glade/campaign/cgd/tss/people/oleson/modify_param/modify_ctsm51_params.c231117_with_ABCD_blk_A5BCD.ncl) paramfile = '/glade/campaign/cgd/tss/people/oleson/modify_param/'

snicar_snobc_intmix = .true.

!KO No longer in namelist, now in parameter file !fresh_snw_rds_max = 400.d

snow_thermal_cond_method = 'Sturm1997'


src.clm/atm2lndType.F90: Add some additional history fields src.clm/clm_varpar.F90: nlevurb=5 -> nlevurb=10 src.clm/surfrdMod.F90: Remove read of PFTDATA_MASK src.clm/Wateratm2lndType.F90: Add some additional history fields src.clm/CNPhenologyMod.F90 decreasing temperature thresholds to -3C, reducing the minimum critical daylength by 25%, doubling the snow threshold (I think to 20 cm) src.clm/controlMod.F90 remove error associated with snicar_snobc_intmix src.clm/SnowSnicarMod.F90 set flg_snoage_scl to .true. so that xdrdt change takes effect src.clm/BareGroundFluxesMod.F90 revert forcing height change src.clm/CanopyFluxesMod.F90 revert forcing height change src.clm/LakeFluxesMod.F90 revert forcing height change


Output: Output (if still available): /glade/derecho/scratch/oleson/archive/ctsm51_ctsm51d160r150_ne30pg3ne30pg3mg17_GSWP3V1_ABCDE_blk_A5BCD_1850AD/

Contacts: @olyson @wwieder

Extra details: I've designated this combination simulation as ABCDE_blk_A5BCD, where the first ABCD is: A - SturmSnowtk (implemented via namelist snow_thermal_cond_method = 'Sturm1997') B - decidphenotrig (implemented via src.clm/CNPhenologyMod.F90) C - frootleaf (implemented via D - FUNfracfixers (implemented via E - new SNICAR (on by default) blk - snicar_snobc_intmix = .true. (implemented via namelist, per Issue #36 ) and the next ABCD is (per Issue #36 ) A5 - xdrdt = 5 (implemented via and takes effect by code change to SnowSnicarMod.F90) B - scvng_fct_mlt_sf = 0.5 (implemented via C - snw_rds_refrz = 1500 (implemented via D - fresh_snw_rds_max = 400._r8 (implemented via

See discussion in AD spunup for 40 years. I believe I've backed out the answer-changing stuff from ctsm5.1.dev150 to ctsm5.1.dev160. One exception might be a change in dev154 as noted in the change log: "6dc1966: This git merge escomp/master probably does change answers from previous commit". Regardless, it looks like the differences in the diagnostics are just noise, nothing systematic, so likely just due to machine differences (cheyenne->derecho). Complete for now.