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Coupled simulation with deadveg branch (f2000.ne30_t232.BGC_CROP.deadveg) #53

Open olyson opened 4 months ago

olyson commented 4 months ago

Description: Coupled simulation with the deadveg branch. This is the coupled version of ctsm51_ctsm51d166deadveg_1deg_CRUJRA_FLDS_ABsnoCDE_blk_A5BCD_1850 (Issue #52 )

Purpose is again to see if increased vegetation at high northern latitudes can lower albedo in spring/early summer and cause earlier melt-out of the snowpack, and warm up the simulation at these latitudes.

Case directory: Locally: /glade/work/oleson/cesm2_3_alpha16g_deadveg/cime/scripts/f2000.ne30_t232.BGC_CROP.deadveg

Sandbox: Locally: /glade/work/oleson/cesm2_3_alpha16g_deadveg. This is the cesm2_3_alpha16g tag with clm externals updated to the deadveg branch (

usernl changes: user_nl_clm:

use_c13 = .true.
use_c14 = .true.
use_c13_timeseries = .true.
use_c14_bombspike = .true.
use_init_interp = .true.
fsurdat = '/glade/work/slevis/git/mksurfdata_toolchain/tools/mksurfdata_esmf/'
finidat = '/glade/derecho/scratch/oleson/archive/ctsm51_ctsm51d166deadveg_1deg_CRUJRA_FLDS_ABsnoCDE_blk_A5BCD_1850pAD/rest/0601-01-01-00000/'
reseed_dead_plants = .true.


fincl2 = 'TREFHT'
nhtfrq = 0,-24
mfilt  = 1,1

SourceMods: src.clm/clm_varpar.F90: nlevurb=5 -> nlevurb=10 src.clm/surfrdMod.F90: Remove read of PFTDATA_MASK src.clm/TemperatureType.F90: Set initial tsoisno for soil to 272K and for urban road to 274K


Output: /glade/scratch/oleson/archive/f2000.ne30_t232.BGC_CROP.deadveg

Contacts: @olyson

Extra details:

CLM Initial Conditions: Currently setup using the end of the 1850pAD version of this configuration. Could also wait for the historical using this configuration and using an initial file from that circa-year 2000. But either way we'd be transitioning from CRUJRA to coupled model forcing, so I'm inclined not to wait for the historical. Opinions, @slevis-lmwg , @wwieder ?

96 years completed.

slevis-lmwg commented 4 months ago

I say go for it. Could always run again with different finidat when it's available.

olyson commented 4 months ago

Complete through 96 years. Diagnostics compared to the control complete.