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CTSM5.3 spinup and hist at f09 #65

Open wwieder opened 3 weeks ago

wwieder commented 3 weeks ago

Lot's of moving pieces to get a 5.3 spinup started. I'll take notes here.


5.3 surface data (just f09 for now), including:


Parameter file that combines:. @samsrabin has this done

Case directory: Locally: /glade/u/home/slevis/cases_LMWG_dev/ctsm52026_f09_AD DONE /glade/u/home/slevis/cases_LMWG_dev/ctsm52026_f09_SASU DONE /glade/u/home/slevis/cases_LMWG_dev/ctsm52026_f09_pSASU DONE /glade/u/home/slevis/cases_LMWG_dev/ctsm52026_f09_hist DONE

Sandbox: Locally: /glade/work/slevis/git/ans_chging_tag_1 (sorry if the directory name is confusing) git branch: new_rawpftlai git describe: ctsm5.2.026-28-g40aacf6e9 (before making and pushing new branch tag) git describe: branch_tags/ctsm5.3.n01_ctsm5.2.026

usernl changes: AD

use_init_interp = .true.
finidat = '/glade/derecho/scratch/slevis/archive/ctsm52018_f09_xsiceON_acON_pSASU/rest/0201-01-01-00000/'
fsurdat = '/glade/work/slevis/git/mksurfdata_toolchain/tools/mksurfdata_esmf/'
paramfile = '/glade/work/samrabin/ctsm_fire-li2024-pr2_paramfiles/'

! turn off shifting cultivation
do_grossunrep = .false.

! do this for spinup
reseed_dead_plants = .true.

! do this for isotopes
use_c13 = .true.
use_c14 = .true.
use_c13_timeseries = .true.
use_c14_bombspike = .true.

SASU difference from AD

< finidat = '/glade/derecho/scratch/slevis/archive/ctsm52026_f09_AD/rest/0041-01-01-00000/'
> use_init_interp = .true.
> finidat = '/glade/derecho/scratch/slevis/archive/ctsm52018_f09_xsiceON_acON_pSASU/rest/0201-01-01-00000/'

pSASU diff from SASU

< finidat = '/glade/derecho/scratch/slevis/archive/ctsm52026_f09_SASU/rest/0161-01-01-00000/'
> finidat = '/glade/derecho/scratch/slevis/archive/ctsm52026_f09_AD/rest/0041-01-01-00000/'

hist diff from pSASU

<  co2_type = 'diagnostic'
>  co2_ppmv = 284.7
>  co2_type = 'constant'
<  finidat = '/glade/derecho/scratch/slevis/ctsm52026_f09_pSASU/run/'
>  finidat = '/glade/derecho/scratch/slevis/ctsm52026_f09_SASU/run/'
<  irrigate = .true.
>  irrigate = .false.
<  use_init_interp = .true.
<  model_year_align_ndep = 1850
<  stream_fldfilename_ndep = '/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/lnd/clm2/ndepdata/'
>  stream_fldfilename_ndep = '/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/lnd/clm2/ndepdata/'
<  stream_year_last_ndep = 2015
>  stream_year_last_ndep = 1850
<  model_year_align_popdens = 1850
<  stream_year_last_popdens = 2016
>  stream_year_last_popdens = 1850
<  model_year_align_urbantv = 1850
<  stream_year_last_urbantv = 2106
>  stream_year_last_urbantv = 1850
<  do_harvest = .true.
<  do_transient_crops = .true.
<  do_transient_lakes = .true.
<  do_transient_pfts = .true.
<  do_transient_urban = .true.
<  flanduse_timeseries = '/glade/work/slevis/git/mksurfdata_toolchain/tools/mksurfdata_esmf/'
<  check_dynpft_consistency = .false.
<  init_interp_method = 'general'
>  reseed_dead_plants = .true.
<  stream_fldfilename_exice = '/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/lnd/clm2/paramdata/'
<  stream_mapalgo_exice = 'bilinear'
<  stream_meshfile_exice = '/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/lnd/clm2/paramdata/'
<  use_excess_ice_streams = .true.

SourceMods: NONE

Diagnostics: Diagnostics for last 20 years of pSASU compared to last 20 years of pSASU for ctsm52018_f09_xsiceON_acON_pSASU (Issue #62 ):

Standard diagnostics for historical compared to #62

ILAMB diagnostics: Note that the labeling refers to issue number, e.g, this issue number, I65.

Output: Output (if still available): /glade/scratch/$USER/archive/$CASE/

Contacts: @slevis-lmwg

Extra details: We will cycle 1901-1920 of datm, starting with finidat from #62, and completing this sequence: AD 40 yrs --> SASU 270 yrs (~16% land area in disequilibrium in TOTECOSYSC) --> pSASU 420 yrs (3.43%) --> hist modeled after Daniel's approach described here: We ran a long spinup for the default parameters and used that as initial conditions for all ensemble members. Then for each new parameter set we ran, 20year AD, 80 years SASU, 40 years postSASU cycling a ten year forcing dataset.

./create_newcase --case ~/cases_LMWG_dev/ctsm52026_f09_AD --compset I1850Clm60BgcCropCru --res f09_g17 --run-unsupported
./create_clone --clone ~slevis/cases_LMWG_dev/ctsm52026_f09_AD --case ~slevis/cases_LMWG_dev/ctsm52026_f09_SASU
./create_clone --clone ~slevis/cases_LMWG_dev/ctsm52026_f09_SASU --case ~slevis/cases_LMWG_dev/ctsm52026_f09_pSASU
./create_clone --clone ~slevis/cases_LMWG_dev/ctsm52018_f09_xsiceON_acON_hist/ --case ~slevis/cases_LMWG_dev/ctsm52026_f09_hist
samsrabin commented 3 weeks ago

Are the b4b parameter file changes the ones from this PR?

wwieder commented 3 weeks ago

Are the b4b parameter file changes the ones from this PR?

Yes, I'll link above too for clarity

samsrabin commented 3 weeks ago

I made new ctsm60 parameter files , starting with @slevis-lmwg's most recent (, then applying Linnia's changes, then applying Fang's.

I checked for conflicts at both steps. Sam L. and Linnia modified different parameters, so nothing there. Linnia and Fang both modified froot_leaf, but fortunately different PFTs, so no conflicts there either.

The files are in /glade/work/samrabin/ctsm_fire-li2024-pr2_paramfiles/:

  1. The version with just Linnia's changes added to Sam L.'s. This should be the default for clm6_0 runs with the li2021gswpfrc fire_method.
  2. Applied Fang's new parameterizations for GSWP3 forcings onto the above paramfile. Should be the default for clm6_0 runs with the li2024gswpfrc fire_method.
  3. Applied Fang's new parameterizations for CRU-JRA forcings onto the above paramfile. Should be the default for all other clm6_0 runs.

I didn't think I should apply Linnia's and Fang's changes to any of the other paramfiles (clm45_params, clm50_params, ctsm51_params, ctsm60_params_cn30), but let me know if I'm wrong there. If I'm not, then the c240814 versions of those parameter files can just be copied to c240822 versions.

wwieder commented 3 weeks ago

Thanks for merging these, Sam. I'm curious what changes made to feoot_leaf (and for what reason)?

I don't think we want to change parameter files for older physics versions.

We'll likely have to discuss how best to handle options for different datm options, but that can happen over the fall.

samsrabin commented 2 weeks ago

Left-hand side of <> gives the values Linnia and Fang started with; right gives their new values:

$ nccmp -dfs -v froot_leaf $linnia_base $linnia
DIFFER : VARIABLE : froot_leaf : POSITION : [1] : VALUES : 1.5 <> 1.7693
DIFFER : VARIABLE : froot_leaf : POSITION : [2] : VALUES : 1.5 <> 1.7945
DIFFER : VARIABLE : froot_leaf : POSITION : [11] : VALUES : 1.2 <> 1.7915
DIFFER : VARIABLE : froot_leaf : POSITION : [12] : VALUES : 1.2 <> 1.7924

$ nccmp -dfs -v froot_leaf $fang_base $fang_gswp
DIFFER : VARIABLE : froot_leaf : POSITION : [6] : VALUES : 1.5 <> 0.5
DIFFER : VARIABLE : froot_leaf : POSITION : [14] : VALUES : 1.5 <> 0.5

$ nccmp -dfs -v froot_leaf $fang_base $fang_crujra
DIFFER : VARIABLE : froot_leaf : POSITION : [6] : VALUES : 1.5 <> 0.5
DIFFER : VARIABLE : froot_leaf : POSITION : [14] : VALUES : 1.5 <> 0.5

My note from Fang says, "Changed froot_leaf of tropical BDT and C4 grass to 0.5, so more new carbon goes to the leaves to represent faster post-fire recovery as observed."

wwieder commented 2 weeks ago

Thanks. Let's see how things look in the initial 5.3 simulations and we can evaluate

lifang0209 commented 2 weeks ago

@wwieder @samsrabin I modified froot_leaf for BDT tropical (PFT=6) and C4 grass (PFT=14) in the parameter file because in tropical savannas, where fires are frequent, observations show that root burning and damage during fires are much less than leaf burning for these two PFTs and leaves recover quickly after fires. This means new carbon should be allocated more to leaves than to roots for the 2 PFTs

linniahawkins commented 2 weeks ago

I expect Fang's reduction of froot_leaf in BDT tropical & C4 grass to actually help the low LAI bias in tropical savannas (independent of fire feedbacks). Our CLM5.1 LAI tuning suggested reductions for these two PFTs as well.

slevis-lmwg commented 2 weeks ago

I made new ctsm60 parameter files , starting with @slevis-lmwg's most recent (, then applying Linnia's changes, then applying Fang's.

I checked for conflicts at both steps. Sam L. and Linnia modified different parameters, so nothing there. Linnia and Fang both modified froot_leaf, but fortunately different PFTs, so no conflicts there either.

The files are in /glade/work/samrabin/ctsm_fire-li2024-pr2_paramfiles/:

  1. The version with just Linnia's changes added to Sam L.'s. This should be the default for clm6_0 runs with the li2021gswpfrc fire_method.
  2. Applied Fang's new parameterizations for GSWP3 forcings onto the above paramfile. Should be the default for clm6_0 runs with the li2024gswpfrc fire_method.
  3. Applied Fang's new parameterizations for CRU-JRA forcings onto the above paramfile. Should be the default for all other clm6_0 runs.

I didn't think I should apply Linnia's and Fang's changes to any of the other paramfiles (clm45_params, clm50_params, ctsm51_params, ctsm60_params_cn30), but let me know if I'm wrong there. If I'm not, then the c240814 versions of those parameter files can just be copied to c240822 versions.

@samsrabin I am looking in /glade/work/samrabin/ctsm_fire-li2024-pr2_paramfiles, and I do not see the param file, which is the one that I need for this simulation.

samsrabin commented 2 weeks ago

Oh sorry, that one is just

lifang0209 commented 2 weeks ago

@slevis-lmwg @samsrabin I want to clarify that the new set of parameters I provided is specifically for CTSM6 and should not be used with earlier CLM versions. The file located at /glade/derecho/scratch/fangli/firedata/ is for CTSM6 when driven by CRUJRA data. The only difference from the one for GSWP3 is rswf_max because CRUJRA is around 15% wetter than GSWP3 during the fire season.

olyson commented 1 week ago

Diagnostics for last 20 years of pSASU compared to last 20 years of pSASU for ctsm52018_f09_xsiceON_acON_pSASU (Issue ):

JJA TLAI for last 20 years of pSASU for ctsm52026_f09_pSASU and ctsm52018_f09_xsiceON_acON_pSASU:

ctsm52026_f09_pSASU JJA TLAI polar

ctsm52018_f09_xsiceON_acON_pSASU JJA TLAI polar

linniahawkins commented 1 week ago

Seems encouraging? LAI is reduced but not dead!

olyson commented 1 week ago


wwieder commented 1 week ago

Even more encouraging are the TOTVEGC totals 758 vs 962 PgC with new vs. old parameterizations! Can likely even take this lower with a full PPE calibration, but the LAI values look much improved, which was the aim for coupled model initial conditions. Thanks @linniahawkins!

Fire C fluxes and burned area are much higher, especially in tropical Savannas, once we have historical runs maybe @lifang0209 or @samsrabin can help us evaluate the fire behavior we're seeing?

lifang0209 commented 1 week ago

@wwieder sure, I could evaluate the fire simulations. In GFED5, burned area is double that of GFED4s, and fire carbon emissions are 50% higher.

wwieder commented 1 week ago

Thanks Fang, I like a factor of 2 uncertainty in different versions of the same observational product. Hopefully that is a target we can hit! My larger concern is if we fall well above gfed5 estimates

slevis-lmwg commented 1 week ago

@wwieder before I take off for the weekend... Status of the historical simulation: Latest history written I currently have this stopping in 1919 BUT if I get around to it, I will stop it when it writes the next restart file in 1904, so that I can kick off the next phase before I go.

UPDATE: Simulation not progressing fast enough for me to start the next phase before I go. It will wait for Friday evening or Saturday morning.

slevis-lmwg commented 1 week ago

@wwieder do we want this run to include the extra output starting in 2000 for assessing pft survival? For now I will assume yes.

wwieder commented 1 week ago

Yes, let's add the additional history output for the 21st century.

samsrabin commented 1 week ago


Fire C fluxes and burned area are much higher, especially in tropical Savannas, once we have historical runs maybe @lifang0209 or @samsrabin can help us evaluate the fire behavior we're seeing?

The increased burned area in tropical savannas makes sense given the increased allocation to leaves for tropical BDT and C4 grass from @lifang0209's new parameters.

slevis-lmwg commented 3 days ago

This spin-up and hist have completed.

olyson commented 1 hour ago

Standard diagnostics for historical compared to

ILAMB diagnostics: Note that the labeling refers to issue number, e.g, this issue number, I65.

NOTE: fire_method = li2024crujra not actually implemented in I65 due to namelist problem.