Open slevis-lmwg opened 5 days ago
Both cases now running.
@wwieder also... I adjusted permissions to my $HOME. Please LMK if you can now see again directories and files you could previously.
Yes, I can poke around your home directory now, Sam 😃
@wwieder I started the diagnostics script for this case against the control:
and I have the next one ready to go right after:
@wwieder based on your post in #76 I will change the script that's waiting to
@linniahawkins can you briefly summarize what parameter differences are in this case compared to #76?
Well we can juice up tropical LAI! 20 years in here's what LAI looks like in this case, with values > 12 in the Amazon!
And the difference from controls, which I'd argue still seem reasonable.
both plot are for Jan in year 23 of the simulations that started with identical initial conditions.
Description: Same as #76 but with alternate params file, so as to come close to what used to be ctsm52 params.
Case directory: Locally: ./create_newcase --compset 2000_CAM70%MT_CLM60%BGC-CROP_CICE%PRES_DOCN%DOM_MOSART_SGLC_SWAV_SESP --res ne30pg3_ne30pg3_mg17 --case ~slevis/cases_LMWG_dev/f.e30_alpha04a.FMT2000BgcCrop.52params.lmwg_dev_77 --run-unsupported
Sandbox: Locally: /glade/work/hannay/cesm_tags/cesm3_0_alpha04a
usernl changes:
paramfile = '/glade/u/home/slevis/cases_LMWG_dev/f.e30_alpha04a.FMT2000BgcCrop.52params.lmwg_dev_77/'
SourceMods: None
Diagnostics: Diags (if available)$CASE/lnd/
Output: Output (if still available): Initially: /glade/derecho/scratch/slevis/f.e30_alpha04a.FMT2000BgcCrop.CTRL.lmwg_dev_77/run Later: /glade/derecho/scratch/slevis/archive/f.e30_alpha04a.FMT2000BgcCrop.CTRL.lmwg_dev_77
Contacts: @slevis-lmwg
Extra details: