NCAR/CESM fork of the Modular Ocean Model v.6 (MOM6)
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Add data_override to NUOPC cap #245

Open mnlevy1981 opened 1 year ago

mnlevy1981 commented 1 year ago

I've talked with @gustavo-marques and @alperaltuntas about being able to use data_override to make one-off changes to incoming forcing fields. For CESM, it would require adding three files to the input data repository for each MOM6 grid:


There are two gotchas to be aware of:

  1. For now the INPUT data must be a subdirectory of ${RUNDIR}, but maybe we could ask GFDL to replace the hard-coded INPUT/ with a variable that can be set via input.nml. In the meantime, we could probably modify to give us that flexibility.
  2. These files are generated by, so we'd probably want to make sure those tools are easily available on the NCAR machines.

This is a fairly low priority at the moment, but we don't the idea to be completely forgotten... hence this issue ticket.