Added the Ohlmann (2003) solar penetration scheme to MOM6_opacity (OPACITY_SCHEME = "OHLMANN_03"). Implementation follows approach used in CESM-POP. A lookup table in log10(chlorophyll) space is used for the coefficients determining the partitioning of the total penetrating part of solar radiation flux into two spectral bands and the opacity (scale depth of penetration) for each band.
Reference: Ohlmann, J.C. (2003) Ocean radiant heating in climate models. J. Climate., 16, 1337-1351.
Added the Ohlmann (2003) solar penetration scheme to MOM6_opacity (
). Implementation follows approach used in CESM-POP. A lookup table in log10(chlorophyll) space is used for the coefficients determining the partitioning of the total penetrating part of solar radiation flux into two spectral bands and the opacity (scale depth of penetration) for each band. Reference: Ohlmann, J.C. (2003) Ocean radiant heating in climate models. J. Climate., 16, 1337-1351.