NCAR / Topo

NCAR Global Model Topography Generation Software for Unstructured Grids
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Re-enable regional refinement for topowopts branch and other ridge finding mods #27

Closed JulioTBacmeister closed 2 years ago

JulioTBacmeister commented 2 years ago

I've merged (on my fork) my latest mods with the up-to-date NCAR/Topo/topowopts. There are some issues that we should discuss:

1) I'd like to eliminate use_prefilter in favor of just keying off the fine_radius parameter. Code is now logically consistent with that.

2) I'd like to eliminate separate calls to several subroutines that depend on the value of lregional_refinement flag. I believe we should just let the codes work with rrfac=1 everywhere if refinement is not desired. The case lregional_refinement=.false. should just trigger the creation of an rrfac array that is =1 everywhere.