NCAR / Topo

NCAR Global Model Topography Generation Software for Unstructured Grids
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Validating new topography dataset and smoother #39

Closed PeterHjortLauritzen closed 1 year ago

PeterHjortLauritzen commented 2 years ago

[transferring text from issue to this repo as it is relevant; the plots in this post are using GMTED2010 elevation data only (no bedmachine)]

New topography file

We have produced a new topography file where we use a Laplacian smoother (instead of the default distance weighted smoother) and turn off smoothing where the land fraction is 0 (i.e. no smoothing over ocean points; partial ocean points are still smoothed). We are curious if not smoothing over ocean points has an impact in coupled model setup since the temperatures passed to the ocean, where previously the topography was "leaking into the ocean", could be biased cold (assuming temperature decreasing with height on average).

The Figure below shows energy spectra for different topographies:

Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 9 44 07 AM

A couple of observations regarding the energy spectra:

Screen Shot 2022-05-20 at 9 34 43 AM

Basically this plot verifies that smoothing on ncube=3000 and ncube=540 using the same physical smoothing scale leads to almost the same result (as one would expect). For comparison distance weighted smoother minus Laplacian smoother (PHIS) below:

Screen Shot 2022-05-20 at 7 55 14 AM

[very few differences!]

The next two plots show Greenland area and South America topographies (all mapped to fv 1 degree grid):

The cross section plots (lower right) are though 30S and 65N.

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Screen Shot 2022-05-16 at 10 04 45 AM

The following observations are made:

Some mathematical details on the smoothing operator:

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PeterHjortLauritzen commented 2 years ago

Checking option to only smooth when LANDFRAC>0 (using ncube=540 intermediate cubed-sphere grid):

Laplacian smoother smoothing everywhere minus Laplacian smoother with no smoothing over LANDFRAC=0 points (PHIS):

Screen Shot 2022-05-20 at 7 54 28 AM

Please note issue with ncube=3000 intermediate cubed-sphere grid:

PeterHjortLauritzen commented 2 years ago

After the plots above were made we decided to scale topography so that the volume remains the same. Below is PHIS using Laplacian smoother with "no leak" option with volume scaling minus the same without volume scaling:

Screen Shot 2022-06-10 at 2 10 51 PM

Differences in coastal regions is due to zeroing out the smoother over ocean. The differences over land are due to “topographic volume” lost over ocean that is reintroduced through the uniform scaling.