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file selector issues on SUSE (Casper) #3576

Closed NihanthCW closed 1 month ago

NihanthCW commented 1 month ago

related to #3294

Selecting multiple files/ selecting any files on casper is very finicky. Being a critical part of the workflow this is a major painpoint for our users. Also one wrong click and they'd need to wait a minute or two for large datasets before they can retry.

To reproduce (On Casper):

This issue does not occur on other platforms.

sgpearse commented 1 month ago

Unfortunately Qt uses the operating system's file dialogs, and this is is how SUSE chooses to operate. We had the same problem with CentOS on casper, as per #3294. Oops you noted that, but #3294 was on another operating system for what that's worth.

The workaround is to use the keyboard. Tab will bring you into the file listing, and you can use the arrow keys and shift to select multiple files.

NihanthCW commented 1 month ago

I see... I am hesitant with the workaround primarily due to how prevalent the issue is and, how it impacts everyone using VAPOR on casper. Is there another workaround besides using the keyboard? Any system settings that could be changed to get the desired behavior?

sgpearse commented 1 month ago

Actually I do see an option for this under:

System Settings → Workspace Behaviour → General Behaviour - Clicking files or folders…

I was able to persist these settings across two different VNC sessions so this looks like the better workaround.

NihanthCW commented 1 month ago

In lieu of #3580