NCAR / amwg_dev

Repo to store model sandboxes and cases used for CAM development
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b.cesm3_cam058_mom_c.B1850WscMOM.ne30_L58_t061.009 #136

Open cecilehannay opened 2 years ago

cecilehannay commented 2 years ago

Description: New coupled simulation including

Case directory: Locally (if still available): /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/runs/cesm2_0/b.cesm3_cam058_mom_c.B1850WscMOM.ne30_L58_t061.009

On github:

Sandbox: Locally (if still available): /glade/work/hannay/cesm_tags/cesm3_cam6_3_058_MOM_c

On github: hash: 228563a

Diagnostics: AMWG diags (if available)

Contacts: @cecilehannay and @gustavo-marques

cecilehannay commented 2 years ago

@gustavo-marques: I am getting an error with the saltflux_option

/glade/work/hannay/cesm_tags/cesm3_cam6_3_058_MOM_c/components/cice/src/cicecore/cicedynB/analysis/ice_diagnostics.F90(224): error #6627: This is an actual argument keyword name, and not a dummy argument name.   [SALTFLUX_OPTION_OUT]
           snwgrain_out=snwgrain, saltflux_option_out=saltflux_option)
compilation aborted for /glade/work/hannay/cesm_tags/cesm3_cam6_3_058_MOM_c/components/cice/src/cicecore/cicedynB/analysis/ice_diagnostics.F90 (code 1)
gmake: *** [ice_diagnostics.o] Error 1
jedwards4b commented 2 years ago

I don't see the saltflux_option in icepack_parameters.F90

cecilehannay commented 2 years ago

dabail10updated the cice externals and it solved the issue. This run uses the hash: 228563a

The run is now 9 years.

gustavo-marques commented 2 years ago

So far (year 10) the ocean state looks reasonable. Deep convection is still occurring in the Labrador Sea. The plot below shows the mixed layer depth (MLD) for February of year 9, with the inset showing the MLD time series taken from a point near the southern tip of Greenland.


gustavo-marques commented 2 years ago

The simulation has completed 12 years and it looks like convection in the Labrador Sea is getting weaker :worried:

JulioTBacmeister commented 2 years ago

OK. I still say let's let it go another 8 years. Maybe it will recover.

cecilehannay commented 2 years ago

I am extending the run to 20 years and @justin-richling is processing the ADF. He will let you know when it is ready

justin-richling commented 2 years ago

The ADF diags for the CMIP6 case are here.

There are issues with the Taylor Diagram at the moment, so those and AMWG tables are missing. I am working on getting those fixed and will update soon, but the rest should be good.

The comparison with Obs is currently running and I will update when those are finished

justin-richling commented 2 years ago

ADF diags for comparison vs Obs are here

cecilehannay commented 2 years ago

It looks there is a problem with the SSTs value on the table:
Please ignore the SST value on that table. We will look into that.

JulioTBacmeister commented 2 years ago

Also looks like the SSTs in the latlon plots may also be "weird"

justin-richling commented 2 years ago

Taylor diagrams are now fixed for the CMIP6 case

cecilehannay commented 2 years ago

The run is now 20 years. We are aware that the convection in the Labrador Sea is getting weaker. But @JulioTBacmeister and the cam folks would be VERY interested in letting it go another 20 years. There are clearly some big shocks in the first decade and we need more years to assess this clearly.

@gustavo-marques: what do you think?

gustavo-marques commented 2 years ago

Yes, let's run it for another 20 years. Convection is still happening in the Irminger and Nordic Seas. The Lab Sea is entirely covered by sea ice in the winter, but the ice melts during summer.

JulioTBacmeister commented 2 years ago

Great! Maybe Lab Sea ice cover in winter will begin to decrease ...

cecilehannay commented 2 years ago

We have 55 years now. It would be good to run the diags in the morning.

JulioTBacmeister commented 2 years ago

Quick and dirty IDL diagnostics (below): global TS keeps falling despite global RESTOM averaging around 0.20 to 0.3 Wm-2



Appears to high-latitude cooling that is driving the global mean. A map of mean TS from years 45-54 compared to years 30-45:


cecilehannay commented 2 years ago

This is quite a drop in global TS. Do you know whether it is happening over ocean (or also land)? I wonder if we have a redistribution of the heat in the ocean. It would be nice if @gustavo-marques could look of contours of temperature with time/depth.

On Jul 4, 2022, at 8:57 PM, JulioTBacmeister @.***> wrote:

 Quick and dirty IDL diagnostics (below): global TS keeps falling despite global RESTOM averaging around 0.20 to 0.3 Wm-2

Appears to high-latitude cooling that is driving the global mean. A map of mean TS from years 45-54 compared to years 30-45:

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cecilehannay commented 2 years ago

Indeed your second plot answers to my question about the location of the TS cooling. (sorry I missed the second plot in my email).
This is the high latitude TS.

swrneale commented 2 years ago

@JulioTBacmeister could you tighten your contour interval on your plots as I suspect the ocean could also be cooling at 0-0.5K most places?

adamrher commented 2 years ago

this may be a minor point I think, but we would ideally be running with the exchange grid, as we are currently computing fluxes on the MOM grid. In nuopc.runconfig

     aoflux_grid = ogrid
justin-richling commented 2 years ago

The ADF diags for the years 40-59 vs CMIP6 case are here, comparison vs Obs will be up soon

JulioTBacmeister commented 2 years ago

@swrneale Contours tightened. Now comparing Yrs 45-57 with 30-45. Clearly cooling isn't restricted to high latitudes but is more intense there. Will have a look at regional timeseries.

cecilehannay commented 2 years ago

From looking at ICEFRAC, the lab sea might be still ok. (?)

On Jul 5, 2022, at 9:54 AM, justin-richling @.***> wrote:

 The ADF diags for the years 40-59 vs CMIP6 case are here, comparison vs Obs will be up soon

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gustavo-marques commented 2 years ago

Here are global depth versus time temperature biases (model - world ocean atlas). Surface ocean is cooling. Mid-depth ocean is warming a little. b cesm3_cam058_mom_c B1850WscMOM ne30_L58_t061 009_Global_temp_diff

Below is the coupler heat budget (all time up to year 58). It's shown that the ocean is cooling, which is consistent with the plot above. Fluxes are into the atmosphere from all components. Land and ice fluxes to the ATM are both larger than the ocean. image

JulioTBacmeister commented 2 years ago

Time series of surface temperature TS in different ocean basins. Definitions are fairly standard. Main point is that tropical oceans (30S-30S) are not cooling, may even be warming after Year 31.


justin-richling commented 2 years ago

ADF diags for years 40-59 vs Obs are here

Misisng AMWG table for b.cesm3_cam058_mom_c.B1850WscMOM.ne30_L58_t061.009 has been added to the CMPI6 case as well, see here

JulioTBacmeister commented 2 years ago

Apologies inadvertently closed comment/issue. Not sure which. @gustavo-marques it would be interesting to see your temperature curtain plots in different basins as well. Is that possible?

gustavo-marques commented 2 years ago

@JulioTBacmeister: yes, here are plots for a few basins.

Lab Sea

b cesm3_cam058_mom_c B1850WscMOM ne30_L58_t061 009_LabSea_temp_diff

Southern Ocean

b cesm3_cam058_mom_c B1850WscMOM ne30_L58_t061 009_SouthernOcean_temp_rms

Indian Ocean

b cesm3_cam058_mom_c B1850WscMOM ne30_L58_t061 009_IndianOcean_temp_diff

Atlantic Ocean

b cesm3_cam058_mom_c B1850WscMOM ne30_L58_t061 009_AtlanticOcean_temp_diff (1)

Pacific Ocean

b cesm3_cam058_mom_c B1850WscMOM ne30_L58_t061 009_PacificOcean_temp_diff


b cesm3_cam058_mom_c B1850WscMOM ne30_L58_t061 009_Arctic_temp_diff

cecilehannay commented 2 years ago

@gustavo-marques: your plot has some similarity with what we observed when we introduced the SE dycore in CESM1. Would you be able to do the same plot (global ocean T timeseries) for the CESM3-MOM6 with the FV dycore? I am just curious to see if it looks similar.

This is what we had with CESM1: Screen Shot 2022-07-05 at 11 33 07 AM

gustavo-marques commented 2 years ago


bmom e23 f09_t061_zstar_N65 nuopc GM_tuning 002_Global_temp_diff

cecilehannay commented 2 years ago

Thanks @gustavo-marques. The spinup is clearly different between the FV and SE dycores - once again similar to what we observed in CESM1.

Is the ocean initialization similar in SE and FV?

gustavo-marques commented 2 years ago

Yes, ocean initialization is identical in the SE and FV simulations. The ocean starts from rest and T&S are from the January climatology from the World Ocean Atlas 2018.

adamrher commented 2 years ago

Just commenting that I had previously traced that SE warm tongue ~750m to the Mediterranean outflow into the N.Atlantic. Seems to be large changes in SE there... see here a SE-POP run I did a while back.

gustavo-marques commented 2 years ago

this may be a minor point I think, but we would ideally be running with the exchange grid, as we are currently computing fluxes on the MOM grid. In nuopc.runconfig

     aoflux_grid = ogrid

@adamrher: do you know the namelist parameter to be running with the exchange grid?

jedwards4b commented 2 years ago

aoflux_grid = xgrid

JulioTBacmeister commented 2 years ago

So the idea here is that the SE coupled runs have two independent problems/differences from the FV 1) Warm layer at ~750m due to Mediterranean outflow 2) Surface layer/upper ocean cooling due to ???? .... but I would claim looks driven in high latitudes esp northern high latititudes?

Just commenting that I had previously traced that SE warm tongue ~750m to the Mediterranean outflow into the N.Atlantic. Seems to be large changes in SE there... see here a SE-POP run I did a while back.

adamrher commented 2 years ago

@JulioTBacmeister I'd like to know re (2), whether this is driven by local change in the column (clouds?), or changes to ocean currents. As Frank said last week, we'd expect the reduced deep convection in Labrador Sea to cool the the N.Atlantic by slowing down northward heat transport.

Did we run out FV 50 years to be sure it does not cool like SE does? If it does not, then diff'ing the surface energy budget terms should tell us whether the cooling is due to changes in the column from CAM. Here's the first ten years against each other between f09 and this run, from @justin-richling. For example, incident short wave at the surface, which does seem to show ~10 W/m2 reductions in large pockets in the high latitudes.

gustavo-marques commented 2 years ago

I tried to run this case with aoflux_grid = "xgrid" but the model stopped right after initialization due to the following error:

RUNDIR: /glade/scratch/gmarques/b.cesm3_cam058_mom_c.B1850WscMOM.ne30_L58_t061.009.xgrid/run/ From PET2209.ESMF_LogFile

20220706 202017.479 ERROR            PET2209 Destination id=280909 NOT found in weight matrix.
20220706 202017.480 ERROR            PET2209 ESMCI_Mesh_Regrid_Glue.C:315 ESMCI_regrid_create() Arguments are incompatible  - - There exist destination cells (e.g. id=280909) which don't overlap with any source cell
20220706 202017.480 ERROR            PET2209 ESMCI_Mesh_Regrid_Glue.C:558 ESMCI_regrid_create() Arguments are incompatible  - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20220706 202017.480 ERROR            PET2209 ESMCI_MeshCap.C:1599 MeshCap::regrid_create() Arguments are incompatible  - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20220706 202017.480 ERROR            PET2209 ESMF_Regrid.F90:372 ESMF_RegridStore Arguments are incompatible  - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20220706 202017.480 ERROR            PET2209 ESMF_FieldRegrid.F90:1204 ESMF_FieldRegridStoreNX Arguments are incompatible  - Internal subroutine call returned Error
20220706 202017.480 ERROR            PET2209 ESMF_FieldRegrid.F90:3931 ESMF_FieldRegridStoreX Arguments are incompatible  - Internal subroutine call returned Error

@jedwards4b, @adamrher: any ideas on what's the issue here?

adamrher commented 2 years ago

I'm not familiar with the xgrid code. @mvertens? My only suspicion is that many ESMF mesh files are generated from existing SCRIP files. In the past I've ran into issues because some of our SCRIP files are not as precise as they could be.

jedwards4b commented 2 years ago

Can you try with this version of ESMF and let me know if it works: /glade/work/jedwards/tools/esmf/asyncio/lib/libO/

To do this:

cd  /glade/work/hannay/cesm_tags/cesm3_cam6_3_058_MOM_c/ccs_config
git remote add jpedev
git fetch jpedev
git checkout jedwards/cheyenne_esmf_update

Then you need to do

case.setup --reset
mvertens commented 2 years ago

@gustavo-marques - thanks for trying this. I'm really perplexed that this is not working. I'll try to see what is going on.

mvertens commented 2 years ago

@adamrher - thanks for pointing me to the posting.

gustavo-marques commented 2 years ago

@dabail10, can you please run the ice diagnostics on this case?

jedwards4b commented 2 years ago

@gustavo-marques @mvertens I found the same problem using xgrid with the newer ESMF version.

mvertens commented 2 years ago

@jedwards4b - can you please send a pointer to your rundir.

gustavo-marques commented 2 years ago

Thanks, @jedwards4b. I followed your instructions (updated ESMF) and it's now running: /glade/scratch/gmarques/b.cesm3_cam058_mom_c.B1850WscMOM.ne30_L58_t061.009.ogrid2/run It just completed 9 months.

jedwards4b commented 2 years ago

My case is /glade/scratch/jedwards/b.cesm3_cam058_mom_c.B1850WscMOM.ne30_L58_t061.009.xgrid2 I'll compare to @gustavo-marques and see if I can spot the difference.

jedwards4b commented 2 years ago

@gustavo-marques I thought that the problem was with aoflux_grid=xgrid. Your new case is using aoflux_grid=ogrid.

gustavo-marques commented 2 years ago

@jedwards4b: my bad! I cloned the wrong case. Thanks for catching that.