NCAR / amwg_dev

Repo to store model sandboxes and cases used for CAM development
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Control with 102 with TEM diags #233

Closed cecilehannay closed 1 year ago

cecilehannay commented 1 year ago

Description of the run

We are starting a new run with 102 that will include:

Suffix in the casename


Namelist modifications

Namelist same as in #232 plus"

fincl5 = 'VTHzaphys','WTHzaphys','UVzaphys','UWzaphys','Uzm', 'Wzm', 'Vzm', 'THzm'

@fvitt and @islasimpson: please confirm the setting.

Source modifications

SourceMods: CO2, COSP



Contact info

@cacraigucar, @cecilehannay, @julio, @fvitt, @adamrher, @brianpm, @dan800, @klindsay28, @islasimpson

Any other relevant information

Enter relevant info

cecilehannay commented 1 year ago

@PeterHjortLauritzen and @jtruesdal: any output you want in case we use 102 as the new baseline for testing the new energy code.

dan800 commented 1 year ago

@cecilehannay #232 has: mfilt = 0,5,20,40,120,240,365,73,365 nhtfrq = 0, -24, -6, -3, -6, 1, -24,-24 We want the TEM output (fincl5) to be monthly. I'd put 12 months in a single file to make it easy - they're only zm fields, so small output. This would be fine for testing. The final compset might increase the frequency of output.

cecilehannay commented 1 year ago

So far, he is what I have collected.

@swrneale and @dan800: Do you want these on the native grid or interpolate on f09 grid?

mfilt           = 0,   5,   20,   40,  12
nhtfrq         =  0, -24,  -24,   -3,   0

fexcl1 = ' '  

empty_htapes = .true.

'AODVISdn', 'AQSO4_H2O2','AQSO4_O3',
'bc_a1', 'bc_a4', 'dst_a1', 'dst_a2', 'dst_a3', 'ncl_a1',
'ncl_a1', 'ncl_a2', 'ncl_a3', 'pom_a1', 'pom_a4', 'so4_a1', 'so4_a2', 'so4_a3',
'soa_a1', 'soa_a2', 'bc_c1', 'bc_c4', 'dst_c1', 'dst_c2', 'dst_c3', 'ncl_c1',
'ncl_c1', 'ncl_c2', 'ncl_c3', 'pom_c1', 'pom_c4', 'so4_c1', 'so4_c2', 'so4_c3',
'soa_c1', 'soa_c2', 'num_a1', 'num_a2', 'num_a3', 'num_a4', 'num_c1', 'num_c2',
'num_c3', 'num_c4', 'bc_a1SFWET', 'bc_a4SFWET', 'dst_a1SFWET', 'dst_a2SFWET', 'dst_a3SFWET', 'ncl_a1SFWET',
'ncl_a2SFWET', 'ncl_a3SFWET', 'pom_a1SFWET', 'pom_a4SFWET', 'so4_a1SFWET', 'so4_a2SFWET', 'so4_a3SFWET', 'soa_a1SFWET',
'soa_a2SFWET', 'bc_c1SFWET', 'bc_c4SFWET', 'dst_c1SFWET', 'dst_c2SFWET', 'dst_c3SFWET', 'ncl_c1SFWET', 'ncl_c2SFWET',
'ncl_c3SFWET', 'pom_c1SFWET', 'pom_c4SFWET', 'so4_c1SFWET', 'so4_c2SFWET', 'so4_c3SFWET', 'soa_c1SFWET', 'soa_c2SFWET',
'bc_a1DDF', 'bc_a4DDF', 'dst_a1DDF', 'dst_a2DDF', 'dst_a3DDF', 'ncl_a1DDF', 'ncl_a2DDF', 'ncl_a3DDF',
'pom_a1DDF', 'pom_a4DDF', 'so4_a1DDF', 'so4_a2DDF', 'so4_a3DDF', 'soa_a1DDF', 'soa_a2DDF', 'bc_c1DDF',
'bc_c4DDF', 'dst_c1DDF', 'dst_c2DDF', 'dst_c3DDF', 'ncl_c1DDF', 'ncl_c2DDF', 'ncl_c3DDF', 'pom_c1DDF',
'pom_c4DDF', 'so4_c1DDF', 'so4_c2DDF', 'so4_c3DDF', 'soa_c1DDF', 'soa_c2DDF',
'num_a1DDF', 'num_a2DDF',
'num_a3DDF', 'num_a4DDF', 'num_c1DDF', 'num_c2DDF', 'num_c3DDF', 'num_c4DDF', 'bc_a4_CLXF', 'pom_a4_CLXF',
'so4_a1_CLXF', 'so4_a2_CLXF', 'num_a1_CLXF', 'num_a2_CLXF', 'SFbc_a4', 'SFpom_a4', 'SFso4_a1', 'SFso4_a2',
'SFnum_a1', 'SFnum_a2', 'SFnum_a3', 'so4_a1_sfgaex1', 'so4_a2_sfgaex1', 'so4_a3_sfgaex1', 'soa_a1_sfgaex1', 'soa_a2_sfgaex1',
'so4_a2_sfnnuc1', 'so4_c1AQH2SO4', 'so4_c2AQH2SO4', 'so4_c3AQH2SO4', 'so4_c1AQSO4', 'so4_c2AQSO4', 'so4_c3AQSO4', 'SFdst_a1',
'SFdst_a2', 'SFdst_a3', 'SFncl_a1', 'SFncl_a2', 'SFncl_a3', 'soa_a1_CHML', 'soa_a1_CHML', 'so4_a1_CHMP',
'so4_a2_CHMP', 'so4_a3_CHMP', 'soa_a1_CHMP', 'soa_a1_CHMP', 'H2SO4_sfnnuc1',

fincl2 = 'OMEGA', 'PMID', 'PS', 'Q', 'QRL', 'QRS', 'T', 'TROP_P', 'TROP_T', 'U', 'V', 'Z3'

fincl3 = 'PRECT', 'PRECC', 'FLUT', 'U850', 'U200', 'V850', 'V200', 'OMEGA', 'PSL'

fincl4 =  'PRECC','PRECL'

fincl5 = 'VTHzaphys','WTHzaphys','UVzaphys','UWzaphys','Uzm', 'Wzm', 'Vzm', 'THzm'


ncdata = '/glade/p/cesm/amwg_dev/juliob/'

interpolate_output = .true.,.true.
interpolate_nlat = 192,192
interpolate_nlon = 288,288

clubb_l_mono_flux_lim_um   = .true.  
clubb_l_mono_flux_lim_vm   = .true.  
clubb_c_uu_shr = 0.1

dust_emis_fact         = 0.80D0
PeterHjortLauritzen commented 1 year ago

Monthly averaged:

finclX = 'WV_phBF','WL_phBF','WI_phBF','SE_phBF','KE_phBF', 'WV_phBP','WL_phBP','WI_phBP','SE_phBP','KE_phBP', 'WV_phAP','WL_phAP','WI_phAP','SE_phAP','KE_phAP', 'WV_phAM','WL_phAM','WI_phAM','SE_phAM','KE_phAM', 'WV_dyBF','WL_dyBF','WI_dyBF','SE_dyBF','KE_dyBF', 'WV_dyBP','WL_dyBP','WI_dyBP','SE_dyBP','KE_dyBP', 'WV_dyAP','WL_dyAP','WI_dyAP','SE_dyAP','KE_dyAP', 'WV_dyAM','WL_dyAM','WI_dyAM','SE_dyAM','KE_dyAM', 'WV_dBF','WL_dBF','WI_dBF','SE_dBF','KE_dBF', 'WV_dED','WL_dED','WI_dED','SE_dED','KE_dED', 'WV_dAD','WL_dAD','WI_dAD','SE_dAD','KE_dAD', 'WV_dAF','WL_dAF','WI_dAF','SE_dAF','KE_dAF', 'WV_dBD','WL_dBD','WI_dBD','SE_dBD','KE_dBD', 'WV_dAR','WL_dAR','WI_dAR','SE_dAR','KE_dAR', 'WV_dAH','WL_dAH','WI_dAH','SE_dAH','KE_dAH', 'WV_dBH','WL_dBH','WI_dBH','SE_dBH','KE_dBH', 'WV_dCH','WL_dCH','WI_dCH','SE_dCH','KE_dCH', 'WV_dAS','WL_dAS','WI_dAS','SE_dAS','KE_dAS', 'WV_dBS','WL_dBS','WI_dBS','SE_dBS','KE_dBS'

brianpm commented 1 year ago

And also CLMODIS in monthly, please.

dan800 commented 1 year ago

@cecilehannay fincl5 monthly with TEM for @dan800. @fvitt: do I need to change phys_grid_ctem_nfreq=-6 No, that's the frequency at which TEM diags are calculated as the model runs - i.e., it only needs to be done every 6 hours. The output is the average of all those calculations. Do you want these on the native grid or interpolate on f09 grid? The grid is set by: phys_grid_ctem_za_nlat=90 So it's output on 2 degree resolution

jtruesdal commented 1 year ago

@PeterHjortLauritzen if you just want to add the averaged energy fields for output analysis I would recommend adding PO_XXX (geopotential) fields as these are now part of the total energy. If the same code base is being used for this new run you may want to consider adding a separate thermo budgeting history file as well. I can work with Cecile to make sure all fields are going to the first monthly history file.

cecilehannay commented 1 year ago

@PeterHjortLauritzen and @swrneale: do you want your variables on native grid or f09 grid?

PeterHjortLauritzen commented 1 year ago

native and double precision. Thanks for checking!

PeterHjortLauritzen commented 1 year ago

can you add "EFIX" to the erngy fincl? thanks

dan800 commented 1 year ago

@cecilehannay I suggest the aerosol fields be put into their own history file - they will make looking at monthly mean time series incredibly slow otherwise. Hopefully @tilmes can create a lighter aerosol list soon. She has already come up with a shorter list here

'AQSO4_H2O2','AQSO4_O3', 'bc_a1', 'bc_a4', 'dst_a1', 'dst_a2', 'dst_a3', 'ncl_a1', 'ncl_a1', 'ncl_a2', 'ncl_a3', 'pom_a1', 'pom_a4', 'so4_a1', 'so4_a2', 'so4_a3', 'soa_a1', 'num_a1', 'num_a2', 'num_a3', 'num_a4', 'bc_a1SFWET', 'bc_a4SFWET', 'dst_a1SFWET', 'dst_a2SFWET', 'dst_a3SFWET', 'ncl_a1SFWET', 'ncl_a2SFWET', 'ncl_a3SFWET', 'pom_a1SFWET', 'pom_a4SFWET', 'so4_a1SFWET', 'so4_a2SFWET', 'so4_a3SFWET', 'soa_a1SFWET', 'soa_a2SFWET', 'bc_c1SFWET', 'bc_c4SFWET', 'dst_c1SFWET', 'dst_c2SFWET', 'dst_c3SFWET', 'ncl_c1SFWET', 'ncl_c2SFWET', 'ncl_c3SFWET', 'pom_c1SFWET', 'pom_c4SFWET', 'so4_c1SFWET', 'so4_c2SFWET', 'so4_c3SFWET', 'soa_c1SFWET', 'soa_c2SFWET', 'bc_a1DDF', 'bc_a4DDF', 'dst_a1DDF', 'dst_a2DDF', 'dst_a3DDF', 'ncl_a1DDF', 'ncl_a2DDF', 'ncl_a3DDF', 'pom_a1DDF', 'pom_a4DDF', 'so4_a1DDF', 'so4_a2DDF', 'so4_a3DDF', 'soa_a1DDF', 'soa_a2DDF', 'so4_a1_CLXF', 'so4_a2_CLXF', 'SFbc_a4', 'SFpom_a4', 'SFso4_a1', 'SFso4_a2', 'so4_a1_sfgaex1', 'so4_a2_sfgaex1', 'so4_a3_sfgaex1', 'soa_a1_sfgaex1', 'soa_a2_sfgaex1', 'SFdst_a1','SFdst_a2', 'SFdst_a3', 'SFncl_a1', 'SFncl_a2', 'SFncl_a3', 'num_a2_sfnnuc1'

cecilehannay commented 1 year ago

Should 'AODVISdn' go in that list too? Or do I keep it in the h0 file. @tilmes: do you want native or f09 grid?

I could create fincl7

fincl6 = 'AQSO4_H2O2','AQSO4_O3', 'bc_a1', 'bc_a4', 'dst_a1', 'dst_a2', 'dst_a3', 'ncl_a1',
'ncl_a1', 'ncl_a2', 'ncl_a3', 'pom_a1', 'pom_a4', 'so4_a1', 'so4_a2', 'so4_a3',
'soa_a1', 'num_a1', 'num_a2', 'num_a3', 'num_a4',
'bc_a1SFWET', 'bc_a4SFWET', 'dst_a1SFWET', 'dst_a2SFWET', 'dst_a3SFWET', 'ncl_a1SFWET',
'ncl_a2SFWET', 'ncl_a3SFWET', 'pom_a1SFWET', 'pom_a4SFWET', 'so4_a1SFWET', 'so4_a2SFWET', 'so4_a3SFWET', 'soa_a1SFWET', 'soa_a2SFWET', 'bc_c1SFWET', 'bc_c4SFWET', 'dst_c1SFWET', 'dst_c2SFWET', 'dst_c3SFWET', 'ncl_c1SFWET', 'ncl_c2SFWET', 'ncl_c3SFWET', 'pom_c1SFWET', 'pom_c4SFWET', 'so4_c1SFWET', 'so4_c2SFWET', 'so4_c3SFWET', 'soa_c1SFWET', 'soa_c2SFWET', 'bc_a1DDF', 'bc_a4DDF', 'dst_a1DDF', 'dst_a2DDF', 'dst_a3DDF', 'ncl_a1DDF', 'ncl_a2DDF', 'ncl_a3DDF', 'pom_a1DDF', 'pom_a4DDF', 'so4_a1DDF', 'so4_a2DDF', 'so4_a3DDF', 'soa_a1DDF', 'soa_a2DDF', 'so4_a1_CLXF', 'so4_a2_CLXF', 'SFbc_a4', 'SFpom_a4', 'SFso4_a1', 'SFso4_a2',
'so4_a1_sfgaex1', 'so4_a2_sfgaex1', 'so4_a3_sfgaex1', 'soa_a1_sfgaex1', 'soa_a2_sfgaex1',
'SFdst_a1','SFdst_a2', 'SFdst_a3', 'SFncl_a1', 'SFncl_a2', 'SFncl_a3',
tilmes commented 1 year ago

AODVISdn can go into the h0 files. Also, I can work on the namelist additions for this next, just wanted to make sure it is reasonable.

cecilehannay commented 1 year ago

I am going to submit a one-month run with the following user_nl_cam. If it is successful, I will extent the run.

mfilt           =       0,       5,     20,      40,      12,       1,      1
nhtfrq              =       0,     -24,    -24,      -3,       0,       0,      0
ndens               =       2,       2,      2,       2,       2,       1,      2
interpolate_output  =  .true.,  .true., .true., .false., .false., .false.,  .true.
interpolate_nlat    =     192,     192,    192,     192,     192,     192,   192
interpolate_nlon    =     288,     288,    288,     288,     288,     288,   288 

fexcl1 = ' '  

empty_htapes = .true.


fincl2 = 'OMEGA', 'PMID', 'PS', 'Q', 'QRL', 'QRS', 'T', 'TROP_P', 'TROP_T', 'U', 'V', 'Z3'

fincl3 = 'PRECT', 'PRECC', 'FLUT', 'U850', 'U200', 'V850', 'V200', 'OMEGA', 'PSL'

fincl4 =  'PRECC','PRECL'

fincl5 = 'VTHzaphys','WTHzaphys','UVzaphys','UWzaphys','Uzm', 'Wzm', 'Vzm', 'THzm'

fincl6 =  'WV_phBF','WL_phBF','WI_phBF','SE_phBF','KE_phBF',

fincl7= 'AQSO4_H2O2','AQSO4_O3',
'bc_a1', 'bc_a4', 'dst_a1', 'dst_a2', 'dst_a3', 'ncl_a1',
'ncl_a1', 'ncl_a2', 'ncl_a3', 'pom_a1', 'pom_a4', 'so4_a1', 'so4_a2', 'so4_a3',
'soa_a1', 'soa_a2', 'bc_c1', 'bc_c4', 'dst_c1', 'dst_c2', 'dst_c3', 'ncl_c1',
'ncl_c1', 'ncl_c2', 'ncl_c3', 'pom_c1', 'pom_c4', 'so4_c1', 'so4_c2', 'so4_c3',
'soa_c1', 'soa_c2', 'num_a1', 'num_a2', 'num_a3', 'num_a4', 'num_c1', 'num_c2',
'num_c3', 'num_c4', 'bc_a1SFWET', 'bc_a4SFWET', 'dst_a1SFWET', 'dst_a2SFWET', 'dst_a3SFWET', 'ncl_a1SFWET',
'ncl_a2SFWET', 'ncl_a3SFWET', 'pom_a1SFWET', 'pom_a4SFWET', 'so4_a1SFWET', 'so4_a2SFWET', 'so4_a3SFWET', 'soa_a1SFWET',
'soa_a2SFWET', 'bc_c1SFWET', 'bc_c4SFWET', 'dst_c1SFWET', 'dst_c2SFWET', 'dst_c3SFWET', 'ncl_c1SFWET', 'ncl_c2SFWET',
'ncl_c3SFWET', 'pom_c1SFWET', 'pom_c4SFWET', 'so4_c1SFWET', 'so4_c2SFWET', 'so4_c3SFWET', 'soa_c1SFWET', 'soa_c2SFWET',
'bc_a1DDF', 'bc_a4DDF', 'dst_a1DDF', 'dst_a2DDF', 'dst_a3DDF', 'ncl_a1DDF', 'ncl_a2DDF', 'ncl_a3DDF',
'pom_a1DDF', 'pom_a4DDF', 'so4_a1DDF', 'so4_a2DDF', 'so4_a3DDF', 'soa_a1DDF', 'soa_a2DDF', 'bc_c1DDF',
'bc_c4DDF', 'dst_c1DDF', 'dst_c2DDF', 'dst_c3DDF', 'ncl_c1DDF', 'ncl_c2DDF', 'ncl_c3DDF', 'pom_c1DDF',
'pom_c4DDF', 'so4_c1DDF', 'so4_c2DDF', 'so4_c3DDF', 'soa_c1DDF', 'soa_c2DDF',
'num_a1DDF', 'num_a2DDF',
'num_a3DDF', 'num_a4DDF', 'num_c1DDF', 'num_c2DDF', 'num_c3DDF', 'num_c4DDF', 'bc_a4_CLXF', 'pom_a4_CLXF',
'so4_a1_CLXF', 'so4_a2_CLXF', 'num_a1_CLXF', 'num_a2_CLXF', 'SFbc_a4', 'SFpom_a4', 'SFso4_a1', 'SFso4_a2',
'SFnum_a1', 'SFnum_a2', 'SFnum_a3', 'so4_a1_sfgaex1', 'so4_a2_sfgaex1', 'so4_a3_sfgaex1', 'soa_a1_sfgaex1', 'soa_a2_sfgaex1',
'so4_a2_sfnnuc1', 'so4_c1AQH2SO4', 'so4_c2AQH2SO4', 'so4_c3AQH2SO4', 'so4_c1AQSO4', 'so4_c2AQSO4', 'so4_c3AQSO4', 'SFdst_a1',
'SFdst_a2', 'SFdst_a3', 'SFncl_a1', 'SFncl_a2', 'SFncl_a3', 'soa_a1_CHML', 'soa_a1_CHML', 'so4_a1_CHMP',
'so4_a2_CHMP', 'so4_a3_CHMP', 'soa_a1_CHMP', 'soa_a1_CHMP', 'H2SO4_sfnnuc1',


ncdata = '/glade/p/cesm/amwg_dev/juliob/'

clubb_l_mono_flux_lim_um   = .true.  
clubb_l_mono_flux_lim_vm   = .true.  
clubb_c_uu_shr = 0.1

dust_emis_fact         = 0.80D0
dan800 commented 1 year ago

@cecilehannay If you have not done this yet, it would be good to have all the prognostic GHGs - so include 'CFC11' and 'CFC12' in the h0s - we don't want any surprises there.

tilmes commented 1 year ago

you can use this list for fincl7, which is a little shorter: AQSO4_H2O2','AQSO4_O3', 'bc_a1', 'bc_a4', 'dst_a1', 'dst_a2', 'dst_a3', 'ncl_a1', 'ncl_a2', 'ncl_a3', 'pom_a1', 'pom_a4', 'so4_a1', 'so4_a2', 'so4_a3', 'soa_a1', 'soa_a2','num_a1', 'num_a2', 'num_a3', 'num_a4', 'bc_a1SFWET', 'bc_a4SFWET', 'dst_a1SFWET', 'dst_a2SFWET', 'dst_a3SFWET', 'ncl_a1SFWET', 'ncl_a2SFWET', 'ncl_a3SFWET', 'pom_a1SFWET', 'pom_a4SFWET', 'so4_a1SFWET', 'so4_a2SFWET', 'so4_a3SFWET', 'soa_a1SFWET', 'soa_a2SFWET', 'bc_c1SFWET', 'bc_c4SFWET', 'dst_c1SFWET', 'dst_c2SFWET', 'dst_c3SFWET', 'ncl_c1SFWET', 'ncl_c2SFWET', 'ncl_c3SFWET', 'pom_c1SFWET', 'pom_c4SFWET', 'so4_c1SFWET', 'so4_c2SFWET', 'so4_c3SFWET', 'soa_c1SFWET', 'soa_c2SFWET', 'bc_a1DDF', 'bc_a4DDF', 'dst_a1DDF', 'dst_a2DDF', 'dst_a3DDF', 'ncl_a1DDF', 'ncl_a2DDF', 'ncl_a3DDF', 'pom_a1DDF', 'pom_a4DDF', 'so4_a1DDF', 'so4_a2DDF', 'so4_a3DDF', 'soa_a1DDF', 'soa_a2DDF', 'so4_a1_CLXF', 'so4_a2_CLXF', 'SFbc_a4', 'SFpom_a4', 'SFso4_a1', 'SFso4_a2', 'so4_a1_sfgaex1', 'so4_a2_sfgaex1', 'so4_a3_sfgaex1', 'soa_a1_sfgaex1', 'soa_a2_sfgaex1', 'SFdst_a1','SFdst_a2', 'SFdst_a3', 'SFncl_a1', 'SFncl_a2', 'SFncl_a3', 'num_a2_sfnnuc1' working on the other namelist additions for the shorter list asap

tilmes commented 1 year ago

@cecilehannay I changed the list I had a couple of variables missing

cecilehannay commented 1 year ago

Run started as: