NCAR / amwg_dev

Repo to store model sandboxes and cases used for CAM development
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f.cam6_3_106.FLTHIST_v0a.ne30.dcs_effgw_rdg.001 #239

Open cecilehannay opened 1 year ago

cecilehannay commented 1 year ago


Same as

Case directory: Locally (if still available): /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/runs/cesm2_0/f.cam6_3_106.FLTHIST_v0a.ne30.dcs_effgw_rdg.001

On github:$CASE

Sandbox: Locally (if still available): /glade/work/hannay/cesm_tags/cam6_3_106

On github: hash: 0470324 (

Diagnostics: ADF diags (if available)

Contacts: @cacraigucar, @cecilehannay, @julio, @adamrher, @brianpm, @dan800, @tilmes, @swrneale, @bstephens82

cecilehannay commented 1 year ago

Here is the complete user_nl_cam

mfilt    =       0,       5,     20,      40,      12,       1,      1
nhtfrq              =       0,     -24,    -24,      -3,       0,       0,      0
ndens               =       2,       2,      2,       2,       2,       1,      2
interpolate_output  =  .true.,  .true., .true., .false., .false., .false.,  .true.
interpolate_nlat    =     192,     192,    192,     192,     192,     192,   192
interpolate_nlon    =     288,     288,    288,     288,     288,     288,   288 

fexcl1 = ' '  

empty_htapes = .true.


fincl2 = 'OMEGA', 'PMID', 'PS', 'Q', 'QRL', 'QRS', 'T', 'TROP_P', 'TROP_T', 'U', 'V', 'Z3'

fincl3 = 'PRECT', 'PRECC', 'FLUT', 'U850', 'U200', 'V850', 'V200', 'OMEGA', 'PSL'

fincl4 =  'PRECC','PRECL'

fincl5 = 'Uzm','Vzm','Wzm','THzm', 'VTHzm','WTHzm','UVzm','UWzm'

fincl6 =  'WV_phBF','WL_phBF','WI_phBF','SE_phBF','KE_phBF',

fincl7= 'AQSO4_H2O2','AQSO4_O3', 'bc_a1', 'bc_a4', 'dst_a1', 'dst_a2', 'dst_a3', 'ncl_a1',
'ncl_a1', 'ncl_a2', 'ncl_a3', 'pom_a1', 'pom_a4', 'so4_a1', 'so4_a2', 'so4_a3','soa_a2', 
'soa_a1', 'num_a1', 'num_a2', 'num_a3', 'num_a4',
'bc_a1SFWET', 'bc_a4SFWET', 'dst_a1SFWET', 'dst_a2SFWET', 'dst_a3SFWET', 'ncl_a1SFWET',
'ncl_a2SFWET', 'ncl_a3SFWET', 'pom_a1SFWET', 'pom_a4SFWET', 'so4_a1SFWET', 'so4_a2SFWET', 'so4_a3SFWET', 'soa_a1SFWET',
'soa_a2SFWET', 'bc_c1SFWET', 'bc_c4SFWET', 'dst_c1SFWET', 'dst_c2SFWET', 'dst_c3SFWET', 'ncl_c1SFWET', 'ncl_c2SFWET',
'ncl_c3SFWET', 'pom_c1SFWET', 'pom_c4SFWET', 'so4_c1SFWET', 'so4_c2SFWET', 'so4_c3SFWET', 'soa_c1SFWET', 'soa_c2SFWET',
'bc_a1DDF', 'bc_a4DDF', 'dst_a1DDF', 'dst_a2DDF', 'dst_a3DDF', 'ncl_a1DDF', 'ncl_a2DDF', 'ncl_a3DDF',
'pom_a1DDF', 'pom_a4DDF', 'so4_a1DDF', 'so4_a2DDF', 'so4_a3DDF', 'soa_a1DDF', 'soa_a2DDF',
'so4_a1_CLXF', 'so4_a2_CLXF', 'SFbc_a4', 'SFpom_a4', 'SFso4_a1', 'SFso4_a2',
'so4_a1_sfgaex1', 'so4_a2_sfgaex1', 'so4_a3_sfgaex1', 'soa_a1_sfgaex1', 'soa_a2_sfgaex1',
'SFdst_a1','SFdst_a2', 'SFdst_a3', 'SFncl_a1', 'SFncl_a2', 'SFncl_a3',


ncdata = '/glade/p/cesm/amwg_dev/juliob/'

clubb_l_mono_flux_lim_um   = .true.  
clubb_l_mono_flux_lim_vm   = .true.  
clubb_c_uu_shr = 0.1

dust_emis_fact         = 0.80D0

micro_mg_dcs            =           250.D-6
use_gw_convect_dp        = .false.
use_gw_front        = .false.
effgw_rdg_beta        = 2.0D0
effgw_rdg_beta_max        = 2.0D0
cecilehannay commented 1 year ago

LWCF is very low with Dcs = 250 microns Screen Shot 2023-04-11 at 1 57 13 PM

brianpm commented 1 year ago

The total cloud cover is fairly similar to CAM6 (the old, CMIP6 version of CAM6). At least based on CALIPSO observations and simulator: Global averages:

That said, the actual errors in cloud cover remain very large. image

brianpm commented 1 year ago

Comparison with CALIPSO total, high, middle, low cloud amounts. image

And here's the GCSS cross section, this shows how the stratus deck breaks up too soon and the shallow cumulus tend to be too low. Based on annual average, so take with a grain of salt, but I think is indicative of general bias in low clouds. image

adamrher commented 1 year ago

thanks @brianpm! I had previously shown that the L32->L58 improves the cloud fraction fields in the GCSS transect -- at least Marine Sc side of things. Are you able to plot L32 CAM6 transect as well?

brianpm commented 1 year ago

Yes. (edit: improved by making colors the same / edit 2: one colorbar, better labeling) image

swrneale commented 1 year ago

Wow! Stop everything now.

adamrher commented 1 year ago

When I've looked at this before, the breakup into Cu clouds as you go south is primarily instigated by ZM. I'd argue it's an uphill battle to tame ZM in this regime, and that maybe an increase in dp1 and dp2 could recover wider Cu clouds?

I'd be curious to see Trude's PPE plots showing the sensitivity to dp1 and dp2.

justin-richling commented 1 year ago

Updated ADF diags vs f.cam6_3_105.FLTHIST_v0a.ne30.001 are here

Zonal log-p plots are under Log-P category FYI