NCAR / amwg_dev

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FMTHIST with latest variables from the FLTHIST plus some changes #281

Closed tilmes closed 1 year ago

tilmes commented 1 year ago

Description of the run

FMTHIST model run, including the following setting: use_gw_convect_dp = .true. use_gw_front =.true. tau_0_ubc = .true.

effgw-beres_dp = 0.7 (this is different from the LT model, to change the QBO)

We also want to add daily TEM diagnostics @islasimpson will specify

We also want to add for this run the HB (Holtslag and Boville) boundary layer scheme where CLUBB is not active.

I assume these Source Mods are OK /glade/u/home/pel/src/for-hb-nohack-cam6_3_110/vertical_diffusion.F90 /glade/u/home/pel/src/for-hb-nohack-cam6_3_110/clubb_intr.F90 user_nl_cam: add OMEGA500 to monthly mean output

(we want to make sure the external forcings are updated)

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islasimpson commented 1 year ago

For daily TEM diagnostics, suggest adding

'Uzm','Vzm','Wzm','THzm', 'VTHzm','WTHzm','UVzm','UWzm'

with nhtfrq=-24 in whatever fincl makes sense

dan800 commented 1 year ago

with nhtfrq=-24 in whatever fincl makes sense

Note the AMWG TEM diags on the monthly mean are likely hardwired for the TEM history fincl, so choosing a different fincl for the daily TEM output would be best.

tilmes commented 1 year ago

@JulioTBacmeister we can add some additional 2-D output, RH, TS, winds for this run as well.

cecilehannay commented 1 year ago

Tuning for this run:

clubb_l_mono_flux_lim_um   = .true.  
clubb_l_mono_flux_lim_vm   = .true.  
clubb_c_uu_shr = 0.1

dust_emis_fact         = 0.80D0


use_gw_convect_dp = .true.
use_gw_front =.true.
tau_0_ubc = .true.

effgw-beres_dp = 0.7 

Output will be:

mfilt           =       0,       5,     20,      40,      12,       120,      1,   1
nhtfrq              =       0,     -24,    -24,      -3,       0,       -2,      0,  -8760
ndens               =       2,       2,      2,       2,       2,       1,      2,   1
interpolate_output  =  .true.,  .true., .true., .false., .false., .true.,  .true.
interpolate_nlat    =     192,     192,    192,     192,     192,     192,   192
interpolate_nlon    =     288,     288,    288,     288,     288,     288,   288 

empty_htapes = .true.


fincl3 = 'PRECT', 'PRECC', 'FLUT', 'U850', 'U200', 'V850', 'V200', 'OMEGA', 'PSL', 'Uzm','Vzm','Wzm','THzm', 'VTHzm','WTHzm','UVzm','UWzm'

fincl4 =  'PRECC','PRECL'

fincl5 = 'Uzm','Vzm','Wzm','THzm', 'VTHzm','WTHzm','UVzm','UWzm'

fincl7= 'AQSO4_H2O2','AQSO4_O3', 'bc_a1', 'bc_a4', 'dst_a1', 'dst_a2', 'dst_a3', 'ncl_a1',
'ncl_a1', 'ncl_a2', 'ncl_a3', 'pom_a1', 'pom_a4', 'so4_a1', 'so4_a2', 'so4_a3',
'soa_a1', 'num_a1', 'num_a2', 'num_a3', 'num_a4',
'bc_a1SFWET', 'bc_a4SFWET', 'dst_a1SFWET', 'dst_a2SFWET', 'dst_a3SFWET', 'ncl_a1SFWET',
'ncl_a2SFWET', 'ncl_a3SFWET', 'pom_a1SFWET', 'pom_a4SFWET', 'so4_a1SFWET', 'so4_a2SFWET', 'so4_a3SFWET', 'soa_a1SFWET',
'soa_a2SFWET', 'bc_c1SFWET', 'bc_c4SFWET', 'dst_c1SFWET', 'dst_c2SFWET', 'dst_c3SFWET', 'ncl_c1SFWET', 'ncl_c2SFWET',
'ncl_c3SFWET', 'pom_c1SFWET', 'pom_c4SFWET', 'so4_c1SFWET', 'so4_c2SFWET', 'so4_c3SFWET', 'soa_c1SFWET', 'soa_c2SFWET',
'bc_a1DDF', 'bc_a4DDF', 'dst_a1DDF', 'dst_a2DDF', 'dst_a3DDF', 'ncl_a1DDF', 'ncl_a2DDF', 'ncl_a3DDF',
'pom_a1DDF', 'pom_a4DDF', 'so4_a1DDF', 'so4_a2DDF', 'so4_a3DDF', 'soa_a1DDF', 'soa_a2DDF',
'so4_a1_CLXF', 'so4_a2_CLXF', 'SFbc_a4', 'SFpom_a4', 'SFso4_a1', 'SFso4_a2',
'so4_a1_sfgaex1', 'so4_a2_sfgaex1', 'so4_a3_sfgaex1', 'soa_a1_sfgaex1', 'soa_a2_sfgaex1',
'SFdst_a1','SFdst_a2', 'SFdst_a3', 'SFncl_a1', 'SFncl_a2', 'SFncl_a3',
'num_a2_sfnnuc1', 'SFSO2', 'OCN_FLUX_DMS', 'SAD_SULFC', 'SAD_TROP', 'SAD_AERO'

@tilmes: check you have everything you want.

tilmes commented 1 year ago

I assume we want to add U,V,RH,TS to daily, fincl2.. if I understood @JulioTBacmeister right. Thanks Simone

JulioTBacmeister commented 1 year ago

Agree. I think we should add daily 3D met fields to the output. I'd like U,V,T and Q (not RH).

Also, since we've seen that the stratospheric jets in the control FMTHIST are too weak I also think we should go ahead and change

 effgw_rdg_beta => 0.5D0
 effgw_rdg_beta_max = > 0.5D0

to see if that helps.

JulioTBacmeister commented 1 year ago

And the daily fincl should also include the 2D fields: PRECT, TS and PS

adamrher commented 1 year ago

Peanut gallery here. It looks like there are two daily tapes, fincl2 (which is currently empty, and has an unusually small mfilt=5) and fincl3:

fincl3 = 'PRECT', 'PRECC', 'FLUT', 'U850', 'U200', 'V850', 'V200', 'OMEGA', 'PSL', 'Uzm','Vzm','Wzm','THzm', 'VTHzm','WTHzm','UVzm','UWzm'

This tape is all 2D vars (except OMEGA).

Maybe we should populate fincl2 to include the 3D daily vars requested (+PS): PS,PMID,U,V,T,Q,OMEGA (move OMEGA from fincl3). And add 2D requested vars TS, PS to fincl3.

cecilehannay commented 1 year ago


Here is the updated output and tuning.

Tuning for this run:

clubb_l_mono_flux_lim_um   = .true.  
clubb_l_mono_flux_lim_vm   = .true.  
clubb_c_uu_shr = 0.1

dust_emis_fact         = 0.80D0


use_gw_convect_dp = .true.
use_gw_front =.true.
tau_0_ubc = .true.

effgw-beres_dp = 0.7 

 effgw_rdg_beta = 0.5D0
 effgw_rdg_beta_max = 0.5D0

Output will be:

mfilt           =       0,       5,     20,      40,      12,       120,      1,   1
nhtfrq              =       0,     -24,    -24,      -3,       0,       -2,      0,  -8760
ndens               =       2,       2,      2,       2,       2,       1,      2,   1
interpolate_output  =  .true.,  .true., .true., .false., .false., .true.,  .true.
interpolate_nlat    =     192,     192,    192,     192,     192,     192,   192
interpolate_nlon    =     288,     288,    288,     288,     288,     288,   288 

empty_htapes = .true.


fincl2 = 'PS','PMID','U','V','T','Q'

fincl3 = 'PRECT', 'PRECC', 'FLUT', 'U850', 'U200', 'V850', 'V200', 'OMEGA', 'PSL', 
'TS','PS', 'Uzm','Vzm','Wzm','THzm', 'VTHzm','WTHzm','UVzm','UWzm'

fincl4 =  'PRECC','PRECL'

fincl5 = 'Uzm','Vzm','Wzm','THzm', 'VTHzm','WTHzm','UVzm','UWzm'

fincl7= 'AQSO4_H2O2','AQSO4_O3', 'bc_a1', 'bc_a4', 'dst_a1', 'dst_a2', 'dst_a3', 'ncl_a1',
'ncl_a1', 'ncl_a2', 'ncl_a3', 'pom_a1', 'pom_a4', 'so4_a1', 'so4_a2', 'so4_a3',
'soa_a1', 'num_a1', 'num_a2', 'num_a3', 'num_a4',
'bc_a1SFWET', 'bc_a4SFWET', 'dst_a1SFWET', 'dst_a2SFWET', 'dst_a3SFWET', 'ncl_a1SFWET',
'ncl_a2SFWET', 'ncl_a3SFWET', 'pom_a1SFWET', 'pom_a4SFWET', 'so4_a1SFWET', 'so4_a2SFWET', 'so4_a3SFWET', 'soa_a1SFWET',
'soa_a2SFWET', 'bc_c1SFWET', 'bc_c4SFWET', 'dst_c1SFWET', 'dst_c2SFWET', 'dst_c3SFWET', 'ncl_c1SFWET', 'ncl_c2SFWET',
'ncl_c3SFWET', 'pom_c1SFWET', 'pom_c4SFWET', 'so4_c1SFWET', 'so4_c2SFWET', 'so4_c3SFWET', 'soa_c1SFWET', 'soa_c2SFWET',
'bc_a1DDF', 'bc_a4DDF', 'dst_a1DDF', 'dst_a2DDF', 'dst_a3DDF', 'ncl_a1DDF', 'ncl_a2DDF', 'ncl_a3DDF',
'pom_a1DDF', 'pom_a4DDF', 'so4_a1DDF', 'so4_a2DDF', 'so4_a3DDF', 'soa_a1DDF', 'soa_a2DDF',
'so4_a1_CLXF', 'so4_a2_CLXF', 'SFbc_a4', 'SFpom_a4', 'SFso4_a1', 'SFso4_a2',
'so4_a1_sfgaex1', 'so4_a2_sfgaex1', 'so4_a3_sfgaex1', 'soa_a1_sfgaex1', 'soa_a2_sfgaex1',
'SFdst_a1','SFdst_a2', 'SFdst_a3', 'SFncl_a1', 'SFncl_a2', 'SFncl_a3',
'num_a2_sfnnuc1', 'SFSO2', 'OCN_FLUX_DMS', 'SAD_SULFC', 'SAD_TROP', 'SAD_AERO'
JulioTBacmeister commented 1 year ago

Looks good.

tilmes commented 1 year ago

@cecilehannay it seems like, we can add these as well to the external forcings, else lets get it going :)

'bc_a4 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/historical_ne30pg3/' 'num_a4 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/historical_ne30pg3/' 'SO2 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/historical_ne30pg3/'

cecilehannay commented 1 year ago

Final version of the updated output and tuning.

Tuning/emissions for this run:

clubb_l_mono_flux_lim_um   = .true.  
clubb_l_mono_flux_lim_vm   = .true.  
clubb_c_uu_shr = 0.1

dust_emis_fact         = 0.80D0


use_gw_convect_dp = .true.
use_gw_front =.true.
tau_0_ubc = .true.

effgw-beres_dp = 0.7 

effgw_rdg_beta = 0.5D0
effgw_rdg_beta_max = 0.5D0

 ext_frc_specifier      = 'num_a1 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/historical_ne30pg3/',
         'num_a1 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/historical_ne30pg3/',
         'num_a2 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/historical_ne30pg3/',
         'SO2 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/historical_ne30pg3/',
         'so4_a1 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/historical_ne30pg3/',
         'so4_a1 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/historical_ne30pg3/',
         'so4_a2 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/historical_ne30pg3/'
     'bc_a4 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/historical_ne30pg3/'
     'num_a4 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/historical_ne30pg3/'
     'SO2 -> /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/emis/historical_ne30pg3/'

Output will be:

mfilt           =       0,       5,     20,      40,      12,       120,      1,   1
nhtfrq              =       0,     -24,    -24,      -3,       0,       -2,      0,  -8760
ndens               =       2,       2,      2,       2,       2,       1,      2,   1
interpolate_output  =  .true.,  .true., .true., .false., .false., .true.,  .true.
interpolate_nlat    =     192,     192,    192,     192,     192,     192,   192
interpolate_nlon    =     288,     288,    288,     288,     288,     288,   288 

empty_htapes = .true.


fincl2 = 'PS','PMID','U','V','T','Q'

fincl3 = 'PRECT', 'PRECC', 'FLUT', 'U850', 'U200', 'V850', 'V200', 'OMEGA', 'PSL', 
'TS','PS', 'Uzm','Vzm','Wzm','THzm', 'VTHzm','WTHzm','UVzm','UWzm'

fincl4 =  'PRECC','PRECL'

fincl5 = 'Uzm','Vzm','Wzm','THzm', 'VTHzm','WTHzm','UVzm','UWzm'

fincl7= 'AQSO4_H2O2','AQSO4_O3', 'bc_a1', 'bc_a4', 'dst_a1', 'dst_a2', 'dst_a3', 'ncl_a1',
'ncl_a1', 'ncl_a2', 'ncl_a3', 'pom_a1', 'pom_a4', 'so4_a1', 'so4_a2', 'so4_a3',
'soa_a1', 'num_a1', 'num_a2', 'num_a3', 'num_a4',
'bc_a1SFWET', 'bc_a4SFWET', 'dst_a1SFWET', 'dst_a2SFWET', 'dst_a3SFWET', 'ncl_a1SFWET',
'ncl_a2SFWET', 'ncl_a3SFWET', 'pom_a1SFWET', 'pom_a4SFWET', 'so4_a1SFWET', 'so4_a2SFWET', 'so4_a3SFWET', 'soa_a1SFWET',
'soa_a2SFWET', 'bc_c1SFWET', 'bc_c4SFWET', 'dst_c1SFWET', 'dst_c2SFWET', 'dst_c3SFWET', 'ncl_c1SFWET', 'ncl_c2SFWET',
'ncl_c3SFWET', 'pom_c1SFWET', 'pom_c4SFWET', 'so4_c1SFWET', 'so4_c2SFWET', 'so4_c3SFWET', 'soa_c1SFWET', 'soa_c2SFWET',
'bc_a1DDF', 'bc_a4DDF', 'dst_a1DDF', 'dst_a2DDF', 'dst_a3DDF', 'ncl_a1DDF', 'ncl_a2DDF', 'ncl_a3DDF',
'pom_a1DDF', 'pom_a4DDF', 'so4_a1DDF', 'so4_a2DDF', 'so4_a3DDF', 'soa_a1DDF', 'soa_a2DDF',
'so4_a1_CLXF', 'so4_a2_CLXF', 'SFbc_a4', 'SFpom_a4', 'SFso4_a1', 'SFso4_a2',
'so4_a1_sfgaex1', 'so4_a2_sfgaex1', 'so4_a3_sfgaex1', 'soa_a1_sfgaex1', 'soa_a2_sfgaex1',
'SFdst_a1','SFdst_a2', 'SFdst_a3', 'SFncl_a1', 'SFncl_a2', 'SFncl_a3',
'num_a2_sfnnuc1', 'SFSO2', 'OCN_FLUX_DMS', 'SAD_SULFC', 'SAD_TROP', 'SAD_AERO'

I am starting the run this way unless I hear back otherwise in the next 15 minutes.

cecilehannay commented 1 year ago

Closing run request. See run details at: #288