NCAR / amwg_dev

Repo to store model sandboxes and cases used for CAM development
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f.cam6_3_119.FLTHIST_ne30.r328-wsub_scale0.5.001 #346

Open cecilehannay opened 1 year ago

cecilehannay commented 1 year ago

Description: Same as with

microp_aero_wsubi_scale  = 1.0->0.5

Case directory: Locally (if still available): /glade/p/cesmdata/cseg/runs/cesm2_0/f.cam6_3_119.FLTHIST_ne30.r328-wsub_scale0.5.001

On github:

Sandbox: Locally (if still available): /glade/work/hannay/cesm_tags/cam6_3_119

On github: (

Diagnostics: ADF diags (if available)

Contacts: @cecilehannay @adamrher @JulioTBacmeister @PeterHjortLauritzen

justin-richling commented 1 year ago

ADF diags vs f.cam6_3_119.FLTHIST_ne30.r328.001 (#344)

adamrher commented 1 year ago

Thanks, Justin. May I request vs. obs for this run and #344, as well?

justin-richling commented 1 year ago

@adamrher can do, I'll update when they're done

adamrher commented 1 year ago

@cecilehannay I see this run changes microp_aero_wsubi_scale=0.5 instead of microp_aero_wsub_scale=0.5. Could you repeat this experiment doing the latter instead? I also have some SourceMods to support new output variables to add to the h0 tapes 'WSUB' and 'WSUB_DIAG': /glade/u/home/aherring/src/cam6_3_115/usr_src/wsubout/microp_aero.F90. And while I'm at it, can you also do a run with microp_aero_wsub_scale=0.1?

justin-richling commented 1 year ago

ADF diags vs Obs

adamrher commented 1 year ago

Seems like wsub_scale=0.5 w/ gamma=0.30 is a decent combo. Might be worth running this coupled.

cecilehannay commented 1 year ago

Instead of the configuration with gamma=0.33 or additional?

FYI: Right now, I am having some issues with mom diags in the coupled run. But I hope Gustavo will be able to solve that before the week-end.

adamrher commented 1 year ago

Instead of the configuration with gamma=0.33 or additional?

additional. good to have options. but no worries if you can't get it in --- me, Peter, Julio (and cheyenne!) are all out next week.