NCAR / amwg_dev

Repo to store model sandboxes and cases used for CAM development
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b.e23_alpha16b.BLT1850.ne30_t232.049 #409

Open cecilehannay opened 11 months ago

cecilehannay commented 11 months ago

Description: Same as coupled run 44 (#399) except:


Case directory:

cecilehannay commented 11 months ago

The run is crashing in year 16 with the error:

2121:WARNING from PE   321: Extreme surface sfc_state detected: i= 476 j= 478 lon=  71.505 lat=  66.663 x=  30.000 y=  87.645 D= 3.6839E+01 SSH= 9.0479E+00 SST= 6.5012E-02 SSS=-3.0185E-27 U-= 0.0000E+00 U+=-1.1059E-03 V-= 0.0000E+00 V+= 3.2162E-03
2121:FATAL from PE   321: There were a total of         1 locations detected with extreme surface values!

@gustavo-marques: does the error message help narrowing down the issue? I guess it could also be mom receiving bad values(?)

bstephens82 commented 11 months ago

Bummer. I was just running some diagnostics on this run, I uploaded them here: This is the first 10 years, compared to run 044 (#399).

gustavo-marques commented 11 months ago

Please add the following into user_nl_mom and restart the run: MIN_SALINITY = 1.e-06 We will need to add this flag from now on until Dave finds out how to solve the issue in CICE (take more salt from the ocean than is available)

adamrher commented 11 months ago

W.Pac SWCF is a bit improved for this run compared to the original num_cin=2 run (compare 44 to 49):


olyson commented 11 months ago

Land diagnostics here:

swrneale commented 11 months ago

Very early ENSO - Regular and strong. Maybe an improved period ~4 years? image

swrneale commented 11 months ago

Propagating precipitation variability. Generally weaker in 48 and 49 with numcin2 I assume. I think losing the eastward propagating Kelvin wave region is probably the biggest concern. image

Although comparing against GPCP does loolk more favorable. image

adamrher commented 11 months ago

I'd bet the greater Kelvin wave activity is due to the additional clubb heating in num_cin=1. Maybe Jack's MCS mods could key off our new clubbtop pbuf variable instead of the ZM top/PCLDTOP?

bitterbark commented 11 months ago

MJO analysis from the MDTF Let me know if you don't find what you need @PeterHjortLauritzen @swrneale

There are a lot of diagnostics available through the MDTF. If anyone sees something they like, I'll see if the data is available and run it. I'm working on the integration with ADF so soon(ish) you should be able to run it yourselves!