NCAR / amwg_dev

Repo to store model sandboxes and cases used for CAM development
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b.e23_alpha16g.BLT1850.ne30_t232.060 #430

Open cecilehannay opened 9 months ago

cecilehannay commented 9 months ago

Description: Same as but with the taus code turned on and with a custom set of CLUBB flags & parameters.

user_nl_cam Same user_nl_cam that #420 + the following changes.

fincl1 = 'C6rt_Skw_fnc','C1_Skw_fnc','C7_Skw_fnc','Richardson_num','Kh_zm','tau_zm','Skw_velocity',
'wp2thvp','wprtpthlp','um', 'thlm','rtm',
'wp2_bt', 'wp2_ma', 'wp2_ta', 'wp2_ac', 'wp2_bp', 'wp2_pr1', 'wp2_pr2',
'wp2_pr3', 'wp2_dp1', 'wp2_dp2', 'wp2_sdmp', 'wp2_cl', 'wp2_pd', 'wp2_sf', 'wp2_splat',
'wp2_pr_dfsn', 'vp2_bt', 'vp2_ma', 'vp2_ta', 'vp2_tp', 'vp2_dp1', 'vp2_dp2',
'vp2_pr1', 'vp2_pr2', 'vp2_sdmp', 'vp2_cl', 'vp2_pd', 'vp2_sf', 'vp2_splat',
'up2_bt', 'up2_ma', 'up2_ta', 'up2_tp', 'up2_dp1', 'up2_dp2',
'up2_pr1', 'up2_pr2', 'up2_sdmp', 'up2_cl', 'up2_pd', 'up2_sf', 'up2_splat',
'upwp_bt', 'upwp_ma', 'upwp_ta', 'upwp_tp', 'upwp_ac', 'upwp_bp', 'upwp_pr1',
'upwp_pr2', 'upwp_pr3', 'upwp_pr4', 'upwp_dp1', 'upwp_mfl', 'upwp_cl',
'vpwp_bt', 'vpwp_ma', 'vpwp_ta', 'vpwp_tp', 'vpwp_ac', 'vpwp_bp', 'vpwp_pr1',
'vpwp_pr2', 'vpwp_pr3', 'vpwp_pr4', 'vpwp_dp1', 'vpwp_mfl', 'vpwp_cl',
'wprtp_bt', 'wprtp_ma', 'wprtp_ta', 'wprtp_tp', 'wprtp_ac', 'wprtp_bp',
'wprtp_pr1', 'wprtp_pr2', 'wprtp_pr3', 'wprtp_dp1', 'wprtp_mfl',
'wprtp_cl', 'wprtp_sicl', 'wprtp_pd', 'wprtp_forcing', 'wprtp_mc',
'wpthlp_bt', 'wpthlp_ma', 'wpthlp_ta', 'wpthlp_tp', 'wpthlp_ac',
'wpthlp_bp', 'wpthlp_pr1', 'wpthlp_pr2', 'wpthlp_pr3', 'wpthlp_dp1',
'wpthlp_mfl', 'wpthlp_cl', 'wpthlp_sicl', 'wpthlp_forcing', 'wpthlp_mc',
'rtp2_bt', 'rtp2_ma', 'rtp2_ta', 'rtp2_tp', 'rtp2_dp1', 'rtp2_dp2',
'rtp2_cl', 'rtp2_pd', 'rtp2_sf', 'rtp2_forcing', 'rtp2_mc',
'thlp2_bt', 'thlp2_ma', 'thlp2_ta', 'thlp2_tp', 'thlp2_dp1', 'thlp2_dp2',
'thlp2_cl', 'thlp2_pd', 'thlp2_sf', 'thlp2_forcing', 'thlp2_mc',
'rtpthlp_bt', 'rtpthlp_ma', 'rtpthlp_ta', 'rtpthlp_tp1', 'rtpthlp_tp2', 'rtpthlp_dp1',
'rtpthlp_dp2', 'rtpthlp_cl', 'rtpthlp_sf', 'rtpthlp_forcing', 'rtpthlp_mc',
'rtm_bt', 'rtm_ma', 'rtm_ta', 'rtm_mfl', 'rtm_tacl', 'rtm_cl',
'rtm_forcing', 'rtm_sdmp','rtm_mc', 'rtm_pd', 'rvm_mc', 'rcm_mc', 'rcm_sd_mg_morr',
'thlm_bt', 'thlm_ma', 'thlm_ta', 'thlm_mfl', 'thlm_tacl', 'thlm_cl',
'thlm_forcing', 'thlm_sdmp','thlm_mc',
'um_bt', 'um_ma', 'um_gf', 'um_cf', 'um_ta', 'um_f',
'um_sdmp', 'um_ndg', 'um_mfl',
'vm_bt', 'vm_ma', 'vm_gf', 'vm_cf', 'vm_ta', 'vm_f',
'vm_sdmp', 'vm_ndg', 'vm_mfl',
'wp3_bt', 'wp3_ma', 'wp3_ta', 'wp3_tp', 'wp3_ac', 'wp3_bp1', 'wp3_pr_turb', 'wp3_pr_dfsn',
'wp3_pr1', 'wp3_pr2', 'wp3_pr3', 'wp3_pr_tp', 'wp3_dp1', 'wp3_sdmp', 'wp3_cl', 'wp3_splat'

clubb_C1 = 0.800000000000000
clubb_C1b = 0.800000000000000
clubb_C4 = 1.00000000000000
clubb_C_uu_shr = 0.100000000000000
clubb_C_uu_buoy = 0.000000000000000
clubb_C6rt = 1.00000000000000
clubb_C6rtb = 1.00000000000000
clubb_C6rtc = 0.500000000000000
clubb_C6thl = 1.00000000000000
clubb_C6thlb = 1.00000000000000
clubb_C6thlc = 0.500000000000000
clubb_C7b = 0.700000000000000
clubb_C8 = 0.800000000000000
clubb_C11 = 0.500000000000000
clubb_C11b = 0.800000000000000
clubb_C14 = 0.800000000000000
clubb_C_wp3_pr_turb = 1.00000000000000
clubb_wpxp_L_thresh = 100.000000000000
clubb_c_K1 = 1.00000000000000
clubb_c_K2 = 0.100000000000000
clubb_nu2 = 1.00000000000000
clubb_c_K8 = 10.0000000000000
clubb_gamma_coef = 0.250000000000000
clubb_gamma_coefb = 0.320000000000000
clubb_beta = 2.00000000000000
clubb_lambda0_stability_coef = 3.000000000000000E-002
clubb_c_K10 = 0.300000000000000
clubb_c_K10h = 0.350000000000000
clubb_C_invrs_tau_bkgnd = 1.10000000000000
clubb_C_invrs_tau_sfc = 5.000000000000000E-002
clubb_C_invrs_tau_shear = 0.220000000000000
clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2 = 0.300000000000000
clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_xp2 = 0.000000000000000E+000
clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_wpxp = 2.00000000000000
clubb_C_invrs_tau_N2_clear_wp3 = 2.00000000000000


clubb_history = .true.

clubb_vars_zm = 'C6rt_Skw_fnc','C1_Skw_fnc','C7_Skw_fnc','Richardson_num','Kh_zm','tau_zm','Skw_velocity',
'wp2_bt', 'wp2_ma', 'wp2_ta', 'wp2_ac', 'wp2_bp', 'wp2_pr1', 'wp2_pr2',
'wp2_pr3', 'wp2_dp1', 'wp2_dp2', 'wp2_sdmp', 'wp2_cl', 'wp2_pd', 'wp2_sf', 'wp2_splat',
'wp2_pr_dfsn', 'vp2_bt', 'vp2_ma', 'vp2_ta', 'vp2_tp', 'vp2_dp1', 'vp2_dp2',
'vp2_pr1', 'vp2_pr2', 'vp2_sdmp', 'vp2_cl', 'vp2_pd', 'vp2_sf', 'vp2_splat',
'up2_bt', 'up2_ma', 'up2_ta', 'up2_tp', 'up2_dp1', 'up2_dp2',
'up2_pr1', 'up2_pr2', 'up2_sdmp', 'up2_cl', 'up2_pd', 'up2_sf', 'up2_splat',
'upwp_bt', 'upwp_ma', 'upwp_ta', 'upwp_tp', 'upwp_ac', 'upwp_bp', 'upwp_pr1',
'upwp_pr2', 'upwp_pr3', 'upwp_pr4', 'upwp_dp1', 'upwp_mfl', 'upwp_cl',
'vpwp_bt', 'vpwp_ma', 'vpwp_ta', 'vpwp_tp', 'vpwp_ac', 'vpwp_bp', 'vpwp_pr1',
'vpwp_pr2', 'vpwp_pr3', 'vpwp_pr4', 'vpwp_dp1', 'vpwp_mfl', 'vpwp_cl',
'wprtp_bt', 'wprtp_ma', 'wprtp_ta', 'wprtp_tp', 'wprtp_ac', 'wprtp_bp',
'wprtp_pr1', 'wprtp_pr2', 'wprtp_pr3', 'wprtp_dp1', 'wprtp_mfl',
'wprtp_cl', 'wprtp_sicl', 'wprtp_pd', 'wprtp_forcing', 'wprtp_mc',
'wpthlp_bt', 'wpthlp_ma', 'wpthlp_ta', 'wpthlp_tp', 'wpthlp_ac',
'wpthlp_bp', 'wpthlp_pr1', 'wpthlp_pr2', 'wpthlp_pr3', 'wpthlp_dp1',
'wpthlp_mfl', 'wpthlp_cl', 'wpthlp_sicl', 'wpthlp_forcing', 'wpthlp_mc',
'rtp2_bt', 'rtp2_ma', 'rtp2_ta', 'rtp2_tp', 'rtp2_dp1', 'rtp2_dp2',
'rtp2_cl', 'rtp2_pd', 'rtp2_sf', 'rtp2_forcing', 'rtp2_mc',
'thlp2_bt', 'thlp2_ma', 'thlp2_ta', 'thlp2_tp', 'thlp2_dp1', 'thlp2_dp2',
'thlp2_cl', 'thlp2_pd', 'thlp2_sf', 'thlp2_forcing', 'thlp2_mc',
'rtpthlp_bt', 'rtpthlp_ma', 'rtpthlp_ta', 'rtpthlp_tp1', 'rtpthlp_tp2', 'rtpthlp_dp1',
'rtpthlp_dp2', 'rtpthlp_cl', 'rtpthlp_sf', 'rtpthlp_forcing', 'rtpthlp_mc'

clubb_vars_zt = 'C11_Skw_fnc','Lscale','wp3','wp2thlp','wp2rtp','wpthlp2','wprtp2','wp2rcp',
'wp2thvp','wprtpthlp','um', 'thlm','rtm',
'rtm_bt', 'rtm_ma', 'rtm_ta', 'rtm_mfl', 'rtm_tacl', 'rtm_cl',
'rtm_forcing', 'rtm_sdmp','rtm_mc', 'rtm_pd', 'rvm_mc', 'rcm_mc', 'rcm_sd_mg_morr',
'thlm_bt', 'thlm_ma', 'thlm_ta', 'thlm_mfl', 'thlm_tacl', 'thlm_cl',
'thlm_forcing', 'thlm_sdmp','thlm_mc',
'um_bt', 'um_ma', 'um_gf', 'um_cf', 'um_ta', 'um_f',
'um_sdmp', 'um_ndg', 'um_mfl',
'vm_bt', 'vm_ma', 'vm_gf', 'vm_cf', 'vm_ta', 'vm_f',
'vm_sdmp', 'vm_ndg', 'vm_mfl',
'wp3_bt', 'wp3_ma', 'wp3_ta', 'wp3_tp', 'wp3_ac', 'wp3_bp1', 'wp3_pr_turb', 'wp3_pr_dfsn',
'wp3_pr1', 'wp3_pr2', 'wp3_pr3', 'wp3_pr_tp', 'wp3_dp1', 'wp3_sdmp', 'wp3_cl', 'wp3_splat'

Source modifications Three sourcemod files for


Case directory:

cecilehannay commented 9 months ago

@bstephens82: this has run for 12 years but I am not able to run the ADF at the moment. The batch scripts are broken again on casper for tcsh users. CISL is looking into it but if you want to want to have a look yourself, the output is on derecho in:


and the control is:

klindsay28 commented 9 months ago

060 looks like it is warming quickly. Here are plots of globally integrated ocean temperature and globally averaged SST for some recent experiments: image image

bstephens82 commented 9 months ago

Thanks @cecilehannay I went ahead and ran ADF on the CAM output and I've uploaded that to the diagnostic website. Thanks @klindsay28 this is a good thing to be aware of now rather than later! I will try to see if I can understand what's going on there with the rapid heating.

bstephens82 commented 9 months ago

I'll add that the F case test with this same taus setup looked fairly decent in terms of SWCF (full diagnostics here). But for some reason coupling is just killing the coastal Sc, unless it has to do with the length of the run (the CAM test was just a 14-month).


vlarson commented 9 months ago

060 looks like it is warming quickly.

Thanks, @klindsay28, for letting us know about the rapid warming. I am unfamiliar with the typical equilibration path in CESM. Could you please help me with some questions?

Thanks for your advice.

cecilehannay commented 9 months ago

The warming is due to the positive RESTOM. It is the first run we do with taus and it needs to be retuned to get a RESTOM within +-0.3W/m2. The purpose of this short run was to see where we stay so we can tune the RESTOM. It is often hard to predict exactly from the F case what the RESTOM will be in the B case. The the rule of the thumb is the RESTOM in the F case is about 2 W/m2 larger than in the B case.

vlarson commented 9 months ago

I'll add that the F case test with this same taus setup looked fairly decent in terms of SWCF (full diagnostics here). But for some reason coupling is just killing the coastal Sc, unless it has to do with the length of the run (the CAM test was just a 14-month).

As compared to run 54, which uses Lscale, I notice that this taus run (60) is warmer at the surface (TS), has lower PBLH, has greater LHFLX and TMQ and U850. Also the taus PSL shows weaker highs than observed. Those trends are mostly what we see in the corresponding F-case runs, except for PBLH, which is higher in the taus configuration. I wonder if the wind speed at the surface is inaccurate in the taus simulation.

vlarson commented 9 months ago

The warming is due to the positive RESTOM. It is the first run we do with taus and it needs to be retuned to get a RESTOM within +-0.3W/m2. The purpose of this short run was to see where we stay so we can tune the RESTOM. It is often hard to predict exactly from the F case what the RESTOM will be in the B case. The the rule of the thumb is the RESTOM in the F case is about 2 W/m2 larger than in the B case.

Thanks, @cecilehannay. So should we usually aim for RESTOM~=-2 W/m2 in the F case?

cecilehannay commented 9 months ago

You should target about +2W/m2 in the F case. Sorry if my explanation was not clear.

bstephens82 commented 9 months ago

Hi @cecilehannay, @JulioTBacmeister and I are wondering about the initialization of this 060 run. I don't know the details of how CESM is typically initialized or if the initialization has changed recently, but Julio was curious about it, for example whether the "ocean atlas" is being used to initialize the SSTs. Here is a plot I made which shows the average SSTs for this run and my CAM FLTHIST run with the same CLUBB setup, Julio and I were surprised at how similar the SSTs are, since we were expecting the coupled SSTs to be cooler since they are from 1850 (I think?). And in particular it seems warmer in the regions where we would expect to see near-coastal Sc. Anyway if you are able to help us understand the initialization that would be appreciated! Screenshot 2023-11-27 103819

gustavo-marques commented 9 months ago

@bstephens82: yes, we are using the January climatology from the World Ocean Atlas 2018 as initial conditions.