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Repo to store model sandboxes and cases used for CAM development
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f.e30_alpha04a.FMTHIST.ne30_L93.001 #604

Open cecilehannay opened 2 weeks ago

cecilehannay commented 2 weeks ago


Control run with cesm3_0_alpha04a to test the new dust. The control still uses the old dust scheme: Zender


empty_htapes = .true.

! interpolated output ! output for ADF monthly-interpolated (h0) fincl1 = 'AODDUST', 'AODVIS', 'AODDUSTdn','AODVISdn','AODBCdn','AODSOAdn','AODSSdn','AODPOMdn','AODSO4dn', 'BURDENBC', 'BURDENDUST', 'BURDENPOM', 'BURDENSEASALT', 'BURDENSO4', 'BURDENSOA', 'CDNUMC', 'CLDHGH', 'CLDICE', 'CLDLIQ', 'CLDLOW', 'CLDMED', 'CLDTOT', 'CLOUD', 'FLDS', 'FLNS', 'FLNSC', 'FLNT', 'FLNTC', 'FLUT', 'FSNS', 'FSNSC', 'FSNT', 'FSNTC', 'FSNTOA', 'ICEFRAC', 'LHFLX', 'LWCF','OMEGA500', 'PBLH','PRECC', 'PRECL', 'PRECSC', 'PRECSL', 'PRECT', 'PS', 'PSL','Q', 'QFLX', 'RELHUM', 'SHFLX', 'SOLIN', 'SST', 'SWCF', 'T', 'TAUX', 'TAUY', 'TGCLDIWP', 'TGCLDLWP', 'TMQ', 'TREFHT', 'TS', 'U', 'U10', 'V'

!output for MDTF (h1) fincl2='PRECT', 'PRECC', 'FLUT', 'U850', 'U200', 'V850', 'V200', 'OMEGA500', 'TS', 'SST', 'PSL'

! native grid !monthly (h2) fincl3='ACTNI', 'ACTNL', 'ACTREI', 'ACTREL', 'AODDUST', 'AODVIS', 'AODVISdn', 'AODDUSTdn','AODVISdn','AODBCdn','AODSOAdn','AODSSdn','AODPOMdn','AODSO4dn', 'BURDENBC', 'BURDENDUST', 'BURDENPOM', 'BURDENSEASALT', 'BURDENSO4', 'BURDENSOA', 'CAPE', 'CCN3', 'CDNUMC', 'CH4', 'CLDHGH', 'CLDICE', 'CLDLIQ', 'CLDLOW', 'CLDMED', 'CLDTOT', 'CLOUD', 'CMFMC_DP', 'CT_H2O', 'DCQ', 'DQCORE', 'DTCOND', 'DTCORE', 'DTV', 'EVAPPREC', 'EVAPSNOW', 'FCTI', 'FCTL', 'FICE', 'FLDS', 'FLNS', 'FLNSC', 'FLNT', 'FLNTC', 'FLUT', 'FREQZM', 'FSDS', 'FSDSC', 'FSNS', 'FSNSC', 'FSNT', 'FSNTC', 'FSNTOA', 'ICEFRAC', 'LANDFRAC', 'LHFLX', 'LWCF', 'MPDICE', 'MPDLIQ', 'MPDQ', 'MPDT', 'OCNFRAC', 'OMEGA', 'OMEGA500', 'PBLH', 'PHIS', 'PINT', 'PMID', 'PRECC', 'PRECL', 'PRECSC', 'PRECSL', 'PRECT', 'PS', 'PSL', 'PTEQ', 'PTTEND', 'Q', 'QFLX', 'QRL', 'QRS', 'QTGW', 'RCMTEND_CLUBB', 'RELHUM', 'RVMTEND_CLUBB', 'SHFLX', 'SOLIN', 'SST', 'STEND_CLUBB', 'SWCF', 'T', 'TAUX', 'TAUY', 'TFIX', 'TGCLDIWP', 'TGCLDLWP', 'TMQ', 'TREFHT', 'TS', 'TTGW', 'U', 'U10', 'UBOT', 'UTGWORO', 'UTGW_TOTAL', 'V', 'VBOT', 'VTGWORO', 'VTGW_TOTAL', 'WPRTP_CLUBB', 'WPTHLP_CLUBB', 'Z3', 'ZMDQ', 'ZMDT', 'N2O', 'CO2','CFC11','CFC12', 'AODVISdn','CCN3', 'CDNUMC', 'H2O', 'NUMICE', 'NUMLIQ','OMEGA500', 'TROP_P','TROP_T','TROP_Z', 'num_a1','num_a2','num_a3','num_a4', 'dgnd_a01','dgnd_a02','dgnd_a03','dgnd_a04', 'ncl_a1','ncl_a2','ncl_a3', 'SFncl_a1', 'SFncl_a2', 'SFncl_a3' 'ncl_a1', 'ncl_a1DDF', 'ncl_a1SFWET', 'ncl_a2', 'ncl_a2DDF', 'ncl_a2SFWET', 'ncl_a3', 'ncl_a3DDF', 'ncl_a3SFWET', 'ncl_c1', 'ncl_c1DDF', 'ncl_c1SFWET', 'ncl_c2', 'ncl_c2DDF', 'ncl_c2SFWET', 'ncl_c3', 'ncl_c3DDF', 'ncl_c3SFWET', 'SFbc_a4', 'bc_a1', 'bc_a1DDF', 'bc_a1SFWET', 'bc_a4', 'bc_a4_CLXF', 'bc_a4DDF', 'bc_a4SFWET', 'bc_c1', 'bc_c1DDF', 'bc_c1SFWET', 'bc_c4', 'bc_c4DDF', 'bc_c4SFWET', 'SFdst_a1','SFdst_a2', 'SFdst_a3' 'dst_a1', 'dst_a1DDF', 'dst_a1SFWET', 'dst_a2', 'dst_a2DDF', 'dst_a2SFWET', 'dst_a3', 'dst_a3DDF', 'dst_a3SFWET', 'dst_c1', 'dst_c1DDF', 'dst_c1SFWET', 'dst_c2', 'dst_c2DDF', 'dst_c2SFWET', 'dst_c3', 'dst_c3DDF', 'dst_c3SFWET' 'SFpom_a4', 'pom_a1', 'pom_a1DDF', 'pom_a1SFWET', 'pom_a4', 'pom_a4DDF', 'pom_a4SFWET', 'pom_c1','pom_c1DDF', 'pom_c1SFWET', 'pom_c4', 'pom_c4DDF', 'pom_c4SFWET' 'so4_a1', 'so4_a1_CHMP', 'so4_a1_CLXF', 'so4_a1DDF', 'so4_a1_sfgaex1', 'so4_a1SFWET', 'so4_c1', 'so4_c1AQH2SO4', 'so4_c1AQSO4', 'so4_c1DDF', 'so4_c1SFWET' 'so4_a2', 'so4_a2_CHMP', 'so4_a2_CLXF', 'so4_a2DDF', 'so4_a2_sfgaex1', 'so4_a2_sfnnuc1', 'so4_a2SFWET', 'so4_c2', 'so4_c2AQH2SO4', 'so4_c2AQSO4', 'so4_c2DDF', 'so4_c2SFWET' 'so4_a3', 'so4_a3DDF', 'so4_a3_sfgaex1', 'so4_a3SFWET', 'so4_c3', 'so4_c3AQH2SO4', 'so4_c3AQSO4', 'so4_c3DDF', 'so4_c3SFWET', 'soa_a1', 'soa_a1_CHML', 'soa_a1DDF', 'soa_a1_sfgaex1', 'soa_a1SFWET', 'soa_a2', 'soa_a2_CHML', 'soa_a2DDF', 'soa_a2_sfgaex1', 'soa_a2SFWET', 'soa_c1', 'soa_c1DDF', 'soa_c1SFWET', 'soa_c2', 'soa_c2DDF', 'soa_c2SFWET', 'CCN3','CCN4', 'BUTGWSPEC', 'BVTGWSPEC','BVTGWSPEC','TTGWORO','BTTGWSPEC','TAUGWX', 'TAUGWY','TAUBLJX','TAUBLJY', 'UTEND_PHYSTOT', 'UTEND_GWDTOT', 'UTEND_DCONV', 'UTEND_CLUBB', 'UTEND_CORE', 'VTEND_PHYSTOT', 'VTEND_GWDTOT', 'VTEND_DCONV', 'VTEND_CLUBB', 'VTEND_CORE'

!monthly (h3) fincl4 = 'Uzm','Vzm','Wzm','THzm', 'VTHzm','WTHzm','UVzm','UWzm' phys_grid_ctem_nfreq=-6 phys_grid_ctem_zm_nbas=120 !ne30 value phys_grid_ctem_za_nlat=90

!daily - average (h4) fincl5 = 'SHFLX', 'LHFLX', 'PBLH', 'PRECT', 'PRECC', 'FLUT', 'U850', 'U200', 'V850', 'V200', 'OMEGA500', 'TS', 'SST', 'PSL'

!6 hourly - instantaneous with input from Julio (h5) fincl6 = 'PS:I','U:I','V:I','T:I','OMEGA:I', 'PMID:I', 'PSDRY:I'

!3 hourly - average (h6) fincl7= 'PRECC:A', 'PRECL:A'

!3 hourly - instantaneous (h7) fincl8= 'PRECC:I','PRECL:I', 'U850:I','V850:I','T500:I','T200:I','Z850:I','Z500:I','Z300:I','PSL:I','PS:I','U10:I','UBOT:I','VBOT:I', 'FLUT:I','TMQ:I','OMEGA500:I','uIVT:I', 'vIVT:I'

!6 hourly - instantaneous with input from Ben (h8) fincl9 = 'um:I','upwp:I','up2_tp:I','UPWP_UG_CLUBB:I','UPWP_UG_CT_CLUBB:I','DUDZ_CLUBB:I','UPWP_UG_MEAN_LEV:I','UPWP_UG_MIN_LEV:I','UPWP_UG_MAX_LEV:I','UPWP_UG_MEAN_HGT:I' clubb_vars_zt='um' clubb_vars_zm='upwp','up2_tp' clubb_history=.true.

!1 hourly - instantaneous for ming (h9) fincl10 = 'Z500:I','PSL:I','U10:I','Z250:I','PRECT:A','PRECC:A','uIVT:I','vIVT:I','U850:I','U200:I','V850:I','V200:I','Q850:I','T850:I','FLUT:I'

rad_climate = 'A:Q:H2O', 'N:O2:O2', 'A:CO2:CO2', 'N:ozone:O3', 'A:N2O:N2O', 'A:CH4:CH4', 'N:CFC11STAR:CFC11', 'A:CFC12:CFC12', 'M:mam4_mode1:/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'M:mam4_mode2:/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'M:mam4_mode3:/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'M:mam4_mode4:/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'N:VOLC_MMR1:/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'N:VOLC_MMR2:/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/', 'N:VOLC_MMR3:/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/atm/cam/physprops/'

seasalt_emis_scale = 0.75D0

clubb_c8 = 4.95

ubc_file_path= "/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/atm/cam/chem/ubc/"


ncdata = '/glade/campaign/cgd/amp/juliob/ERA5/ne30np4/L93_cdf5/'

use_gw_front = .true. taubgnd = 1.5D-6


hist_fincl1 = 'QICE_FORC','TSRF_FORC','TOPO_FORC'
hist_fincl2 = 'PCT_LANDUNIT','ATM_TOPO','TSA','LWup','LWdown',
hist_avgflag_pertape(1) = 'A'
hist_avgflag_pertape(2) = 'A'
hist_nhtfrq = 0,-24
hist_mfilt = 1,365
hist_ndens = 2,2

finidat = '/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/inputdata/lnd/clm2/initdata_esmf/ctsm5.3/'

use_init_interp = .true.

- **SourceMod**

/glade/campaign/cesm/cesmdata/cseg/runs/cesm2_0/f.e30_alpha04a.FMTHIST.ne30_L93.001/SourceMods/ cam_diagnostics.F90

**Case directory:**
- Locally (if still available):

- On github:
- Locally (if still available):

- On github:
- ADF diags (if available)
- Raw output on derecho (if still available)
- CAM Climos: `/glade/campaign/cgd/amp/amwg/climo/f.e30_alpha04a.FMTHIST.ne30_L93.001`
@cecilehannay @tilmes @adamrher @PeterHjortLauritzen

**Extra details:**
olyson commented 1 week ago

@adamrher , @wwieder , standard land diagnostics for this run compared to #600 are here:

adamrher commented 1 week ago

That looks like diagnostics for #605 with this case (#604) as the baseline, no?

olyson commented 1 week ago

Oops, you are right, mixed up my F-cases. I'll edit all of this.

adamrher commented 6 days ago

@wwieder the diagnostics comparing #600 to this case should show the impact of switching from ctsm5.2->5.3. The cam tag did change in those experiments (cam6_4_032 in this run and cam6_4_036 in #600), but nothing happened in between that would change answers in FMTHIST. The atm_in files don't show any change in namelist settings. I've confirmed the sea-ice tag and ice_in namelists are identical.

Looking over Keith's land diagnostics, the largest changes I can find are LHEAT and FSH over Tropical land between 5-20 W/m2, and THBOT, TG changes up to 1K (cooler in NH high-latitudes, warmer over NH mid-latitudes, cooler in the Tropics). Any ideas about what might be causing those changes?

wwieder commented 5 days ago

Hi @adamrher thanks for pointing these out. Are the changes you mentioned especially concerning from the CAM side?

Here's my interpretation of what may be going on with land. Besides surface datasets it looks like these runs also reflect a change in the CLM parameter file. See this case vs. the one in 600. If you're interested, this issues documents everything we're expecting to change with the 5.3 tag.

Part of this parameter file change aimed to decrease tropical GPP and LAI without reducing ET fluxes (in land only mode using active BGC). Thus, the increases in tropical ET that you're seeing in this CLM6-SP case would be consistent with this parameter change. I'd assume the FHS changes are just reflecting the shift in the Bowen ratio too.

There are other changes in LAI between the cases that would be reflective differences in the surface datasets. We'd have to ask Peter Lawrence on the details here, but I think it's a shift in crop and forest distributions with the updated datasets? Could this cause the mid-latitude changes you're seeing?

Finally, high latitude cooling that you're seeing may be consistent with the new excess ice feature that is on by default in the 5.3 tag? This one is a bit harder for me to understand?