NCAR / ccpp-scm

CCPP Single Column Model
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Hpc stack build system run scm updates + Grant mods #313

Closed grantfirl closed 2 years ago

grantfirl commented 2 years ago

This replaces #311 (rather than add on to it since Dom is out and we need this for the v6 release) and is mostly @climbfuji 's work. @grantfirl 's modifications include:

@climbfuji original work includes:


grantfirl commented 2 years ago

Looks all good to me. I would have kept the multi-run capability as simple as possible, users who want to run specific combinations of experiments are very likely capable to create their own little bash script with individual SCM runs listed there. But as long as it works, all good.

Good point. It is actually simplified in that if someone only gives the -m option, the supported cases/suite permutations are run, and the only other option is to specify a file that says what needs to be run. There are no options to specify -m and then either a suite or a case via the command line anymore. I guess that there is some more logic in there than absolutely necessary related to file processing because I wanted to provide maximum flexibility. I could get rid of a lot of the logic just be enforcing that the case, suite, and namelist lists are all the same size, but this could lead to a lot of duplication in the multirun setup file.