NCAR / ccpp-scm

CCPP Single Column Model
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New cases and case formatting #454

Open scrasmussen opened 3 months ago

scrasmussen commented 3 months ago

From @ligiabernardet

  • MOSAiC from Amy Solomon - Amy said this will be ready soon... (Tracy)
  • COMBLE from Weiwei - Do we need approval to add to our repo? Probably not. (Weiwei will push when ready)
  • Repo (not necessarily code repo) to hold cases - if data not that large, maybe github is okay? Currently case data is a tarball on github, but separate from scm repo. Finding another platform for hosting as they are kinda large.
  • Redo existing proprietary cases in DEPHY format - Grant can volunteer to help with this.
  • "Save" interesting UFS replay cases and provide avenue for users to do the same? (as well as avenue to document cases)