Not all CESM-LE data are on disk; some variables are stored on HPSS.
The HSI command
find /CCSM/csm/CESM-CAM5-BGC-LE -name "*.nc"
could be used to generate a complete list of files; this could be used to compile the catalog, noting which files are on disk and which are not.
What happens if a user wants files that are not on disk but are on tape?
Not all CESM-LE data are on disk; some variables are stored on HPSS.
The HSI command
find /CCSM/csm/CESM-CAM5-BGC-LE -name "*.nc"
could be used to generate a complete list of files; this could be used to compile the catalog, noting which files are on disk and which are not.What happens if a user wants files that are not on disk but are on tape?