NCAR / comp-pipeline

Pipeline code for CoMP
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New display min/max for intensity movies and GIFs #144

Open detoma opened 5 months ago

detoma commented 5 months ago

I played with the display of the intensity (non-enhanced) for COMP. I want to make the following changes:

1074: use a power of 0.7, instead 0.5, and a display minimum and maximum of 0 and 7.0

1079: use a power of 0.6, instead of 0.5, and a display minimum and maximum of 0 and 5.0

These values work well throughout the entire period 2013-2018, i.e. do not over-saturate bright regions and still work during solar minimum. The .png and movies that are on the web now are more saturated in active regions.

Using the same min and max has the advantage that a data user can compare images and movies taken at different times during the solar cycle and see the corona getting fainter as we approach solar minimum without loosing much details. A slightly lower display maximum of 6.0 instead of 7.0 in 2017-2018 would help to show the fainter features but not enough to make the change worthwhile. I prefer to use the same display minimum and maximum for consistency and to avoid confusion. The COMP data currently on the web have an intensity that is increasing over most of the solar cycle, instead of decreasing, because of the diffuser degradation. This caused some confusion in data users. It is better to let the intensity vary with the solar cycle.

The different values for 1079 take into account that 1079 is fainter than 1074 but do not fully correct for it so we do not give the misleading impression the the lines are equally bright.

detoma commented 5 months ago

Example of COMP intensity at high activity for the old and new display criteria:

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 6 26 34 PM Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 6 25 42 PM

Note that the old images were heavily masked. The new images are unmasked because come from the level1 fits. For the final web images, we will apply a geometric masking for the occulter, post, and "ears" but other than that, the images will not be masked for low intensity values.

detoma commented 5 months ago

Example of COMP intensity at low activity for the old and new display criteria:

Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 6 31 23 PM Screenshot 2024-01-22 at 6 30 57 PM
detoma commented 5 months ago

Please note that in the example above the old images are averages, while the new images are single frames so have lower S/N.

detoma commented 3 months ago

The new runs use the square root and a min and max of 0 and 4, but I asked for a different scaling. See notes above. It seems this has not been implemented yet.