We recently found out that Steve had a special 'fast Doppler' campaign in Jan 2 thru 13, 2014. This data, IDL code and documentation needs to be archived to Campaign storage and quasar.
I asked Steve if he had any special processing for this data and he sent me the attached document. I have also attached the email. I have been unable to find these IDL programs. Action Items to complete this task are:
[x] Collect all fast Doppler data and copy to campaign store. I suggest putting data in a directory to identify it, e.g. CoMP Fast Doppler campaign'
[x] Find the IDL code and include it in that directory. Programs are identified in Steve's attached doc as: fast_doppler_demod.pro & fast_doppler_compute_velocity.pro
[x] Copy the documents attached plus anything that may be in subversion
[ ] Process data with fastdoppler code to try to get level 2 images that can also be archived
@mgalloy Codes are copied to a code directory where we put the raw and processed fastdoppler data. With the fastdoppler sitting next to the raw 2016 comp data.
We recently found out that Steve had a special 'fast Doppler' campaign in Jan 2 thru 13, 2014. This data, IDL code and documentation needs to be archived to Campaign storage and quasar.
I asked Steve if he had any special processing for this data and he sent me the attached document. I have also attached the email. I have been unable to find these IDL programs. Action Items to complete this task are:
CoMP High Cadence Data.docx