NCAR / container-dtc-nwp

End-to-end NWP systems in containers.
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Add casename #59

Closed fossell closed 2 years ago

fossell commented 2 years ago

This PR will fix #51 .

An extra environmental variable (case_name) was added to set_env.ksh of each case where user can indicate the case name, e.g. "sandy". The common run_wps.ksh script was updated to removed the hard coded subdirectory "gfs" from the path pointing to the model input data. Tests performed: Sandy on MacOS with main branch wps_wrf image built locally. Successful through WPS/metgrid steps.

Important!! Upon merging of this PR, must move updated packaged model input data from staged area (data_temp) to live directory for download on Mohawk and Cheyenne. Tarballs have been updated to reflect new paths. Need to wait until #54 is merged first and ready for tagging/releasing of v3.5.

fossell commented 2 years ago

This PR should be merged once we're ready to release v3.5