NCAR / hrldas-release

HRLDAS (High Resolution Land Data Assimilation System) containing the Noah-MP Land Surface Model
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Questions about installation of HRLDAS 3.6 using intel fortran with parallel capability #14

Open XUEYANZHANG9 opened 5 years ago

XUEYANZHANG9 commented 5 years ago

Hi all, I use intel fortran to compile parallel HRLDAS 3.6, and the following is my user_osptions:

2 #============================================================================================= 3 # Options for Linux with Intel Fortran MPI 4 #============================================================================================= 5 6 COMPILERF90 = mpif90 -f90=ifort 7 FREESOURCE = -free 8 F90FLAGS = -convert big_endian -g -O2 #-fpe0 9 MODFLAG = -I 10 LDFLAGS = 11 CPP = cpp 12 CPPFLAGS = -P -traditional -DgFortran -DPARALLEL # -DSPATIAL_SOIL -DPARALLEL -DMPP_LAND 13 LIBS = 14 LIBJASPER = -ljpeg -L/stor9000/apps/users/NWSUAF/2014011989/soft/jasper-1.900.2/lib -ljasper 15 INCJASPER = -I/stor9000/apps/users/NWSUAF/2014011989/soft/jasper-1.900.2/include 16 NETCDFMOD = -I/stor9000/apps/users/NWSUAF/2014011989/soft/hdf5-1.10.1/include 17 NETCDFLIB = /stor9000/apps/users/NWSUAF/2014011989/soft/hdf5-1.10.1/lib/libnetcdff.a /stor9000/apps/users/NWSUAF/2014011989/soft/hdf5-1.10.1/l ib/libnetcdf.a -lhdf5_hl -lhdf5 # -lz -lm 18 NETCDF4_COMPRESS = NO 19 BZIP2 = NO 20 BZIP2_INCLUDE = -I/stor9000/apps/users/NWSUAF/2014011989/soft/bzip2-1.0.6/include 21 BZIP2_LIB = -L/stor9000/apps/users/NWSUAF/2014011989/soft/bzip2-1.0.6/lib -lbz2 22 RM = rm -f 23 CC = mpiicc #cc

But when I make, there is an error:
