This is the version of transferring crop-specific photosynthetic parameters. The generic photosynthetic parameters for cropland (LU=12) don't distinguish corn (C4) and soybean (C3). In this version, these parameters are added to the crop section. Therefore, users can modify these parameters and the model would read corresponding parameters for LU=12 for corn and soybean, respectively.
A version to transfer crop-specific photosynthetic parameters from the crop section in the MPTABLE. Changes are made in module_sf_noahmplsm.F, module_sf_noahmpdrv.F, MPTABLE.TBL.
This is the version of transferring crop-specific photosynthetic parameters. The generic photosynthetic parameters for cropland (LU=12) don't distinguish corn (C4) and soybean (C3). In this version, these parameters are added to the crop section. Therefore, users can modify these parameters and the model would read corresponding parameters for LU=12 for corn and soybean, respectively.