NCAR / hrldas-release

HRLDAS (High Resolution Land Data Assimilation System) containing the Noah-MP Land Surface Model
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***** Problem nf90_create for ../HRLDAS/LADSOUT//2020090100.LDASOUT_DOMAIN2 #37

Closed hrabah closed 3 years ago

hrabah commented 3 years ago


I got the error below when using hrldas model forced by GFS FNL 0.25 deg data. The create_forcing.exe was run successfully and the forcing data was created here is the user_build_options used to compile the binaries

 COMPILERF90    =       gfortran
 FREESOURCE     =       -ffree-form  -ffree-line-length-none
 F90FLAGS       =       -g -fconvert=big-endian -fbounds-check -fno-range-check
 MODFLAG        =       -I
 LDFLAGS        =
 CPP            =       /lib/cpp -P -nostdinc
 CPPFLAGS       =       -P -traditional -D_GFORTRAN_
 LIBS           =
 LIBJASPER      =       -ljpeg -L/opt/local/lib -ljasper
 INCJASPER      =       -I/usr/local/include
 NETCDFMOD      =       -I/usr/local/include
 NETCDFLIB      =       -L/usr/local/lib -lnetcdf -lnetcdff
 BZIP2          =       NO
 BZIP2_LIB      =       -lbz2
 BZIP2_INCLUDE  =       -I/usr/local/include
 RM             =       rm -f
 CC             =       cc

Any help with this issue

Thank you

wrfinput_flnm: '/home/rabah/HRLDAS/LADSIN/HRLDAS_setup_2020090100_d2' wrfinput_flnm: '/home/rabah/HRLDAS/LADSIN/HRLDAS_setup_2020090100_d2' netcdf_flnm: '/home/rabah/HRLDAS/LADSIN/HRLDAS_setup_2020090100_d2' LDASIN TITLE attribute: OUTPUT FROM CONSOLIDATE_GRIB v20150518 ldasin_version = 20150518 LDASIN MMNINLU attribute: MODIFIED_IGBP_MODIS_NOAH
layer_bottom(1:4) = 0.1000 0.4000 1.0000 2.0000 layer_top(1:4) = 0.0000 0.1000 0.4000 1.0000 Soil depth = 0.100000 0.300000 0.600000 1.000000 k, dst_centerpoint(k) = 1 5.00000007E-02 k, dst_centerpoint(k) = 2 0.250000000 k, dst_centerpoint(k) = 3 0.700000048 k, dst_centerpoint(k) = 4 1.50000000

k, src_centerpoint(k) = 1 5.00000007E-02 k, src_centerpoint(k) = 2 0.250000000 k, src_centerpoint(k) = 3 0.699999988 k, src_centerpoint(k) = 4 1.50000000 (Near) match for destination layer: Taking destination layer at 0.0500 from source layer at 0.0500 (Near) match for destination layer: Taking destination layer at 0.2500 from source layer at 0.2500 (Near) match for destination layer: Taking destination layer at 0.7000 from source layer at 0.7000 (Near) match for destination layer: Taking destination layer at 1.5000 from source layer at 1.5000 k, dst_centerpoint(k) = 1 5.00000007E-02 k, dst_centerpoint(k) = 2 0.250000000 k, dst_centerpoint(k) = 3 0.700000048 k, dst_centerpoint(k) = 4 1.50000000

k, src_centerpoint(k) = 1 5.00000007E-02 k, src_centerpoint(k) = 2 0.250000000 k, src_centerpoint(k) = 3 0.699999988 k, src_centerpoint(k) = 4 1.50000000 (Near) match for destination layer: Taking destination layer at 0.0500 from source layer at 0.0500 (Near) match for destination layer: Taking destination layer at 0.2500 from source layer at 0.2500 (Near) match for destination layer: Taking destination layer at 0.7000 from source layer at 0.7000 (Near) match for destination layer: Taking destination layer at 1.5000 from source layer at 1.5000 SOIL TEXTURE CLASSIFICATION = STAS FOUND 19 CATEGORIES SNOW HEIGHT NOT FOUND - VALUE DEFINED IN LSMINIT NTIME = 48 KHOUR= 48 dtbl = 3600.00000

No such file or directory

***** Problem nf90_create for /home/rabah/HRLDAS/LADSOUT//2020090100.LDASOUT_DOMAIN2

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