Closed liu-13 closed 1 day ago
Hi, It looks alright to me, I also had these variables in my HRLDAS_setup file.
Hi, It looks alright to me, I also had these variables in my HRLDAS_setup file.
You may not have understood what I meant, I meant trying to figure out what the significance of these variables is. What do they mean?
TMN is annual mean deep soil temperature [K] HGT is topography height [m] SEAICE is sea ice fraction [-] (should be 0.0 for a land point) MAPFAC_MX is Mapfactor (x-dir) on mass grid MAPFAC_MY is Mapfactor (y-dir) on mass grid SHDMAX is maximum annual vegetation percentage [0-100] SHDMIN is minimum annual vegetation percentage [0-100] LAI is leaf area index [m2/m2] (initial state) XLAND is land mask [-] (should be 1 for a land point) IVGTYP is vegetation type ISLTYP is soil texture type SNOW is snow water equivalent [mm] (initial state) CANWAT is plant canopy surface water [mm] (initial state) TSK is surface skin temperature [K] (initial state) DZS is soil layer thicknesses [m] ZS is soil node depths [m] TSLB is layer soil temperature [K] (initial state) SMOIS is layer volumetric soil moisture [m3/m3] (initial state)
TMN is annual mean deep soil temperature [K] HGT is topography height [m] SEAICE is sea ice fraction [-] (should be 0.0 for a land point) MAPFAC_MX is Mapfactor (x-dir) on mass grid MAPFAC_MY is Mapfactor (y-dir) on mass grid SHDMAX is maximum annual vegetation percentage [0-100] SHDMIN is minimum annual vegetation percentage [0-100] LAI is leaf area index [m2/m2] (initial state) XLAND is land mask [-] (should be 1 for a land point) IVGTYP is vegetation type ISLTYP is soil texture type SNOW is snow water equivalent [mm] (initial state) CANWAT is plant canopy surface water [mm] (initial state) TSK is surface skin temperature [K] (initial state) DZS is soil layer thicknesses [m] ZS is soil node depths [m] TSLB is layer soil temperature [K] (initial state) SMOIS is layer volumetric soil moisture [m3/m3] (initial state)
thank you
@tslin2 Thank you for replying to this question. I would suggest we add a instruction/note file under the tutorial folder to list all these explanations for variables in HRLDAS_setup file. It could be a txt file or pdf file or .ipynb file. Could you please create a PR to the develop branch for this? Please let me know if you would like me to do it. Thanks!
This issue has been fixed in this PR which has been merged to the develop branch:
Dear Professor: Hello, I'm now trying to replace the initial data obtained by ERA5-land via create_forcing.exe with the data obtained by WRF, that is, the data in the file HRLDASsetup****_d1, but I'm not very clear about what the variables in it represent exactly. Can you please answer me?