NCAR / i-wrf

Integrated End-To-End WRF Containerized Framework
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Run Hurricane Matthew case end-to-end in WRF and METplus containers #49

Open jaredalee opened 4 months ago

jaredalee commented 4 months ago

Describe the Task

After completion of #46, and #48, run the Hurricane Matthew test case end-to-end through the WRF and METplus containers. One or two other team members should be able to follow the instructions/execute the script(s). Developing the script to run this test case through WRF and METplus will partially accomplish #43.

Time Estimate

Estimate the amount of work required here. Issues should represent approximately 1 to 3 days of work.


Consider breaking the task down into sub-issues.

Relevant Deadlines

Target completion 15 Mar 2024.

Funding Source


Define the Metadata



Projects and Milestone

Task Checklist

georgemccabe commented 1 month ago

@Trumbore, @rcplane , here are the instructions to run the METplus portion of the Hurricane Matthew use case using Docker. Note that this uses a development version of the METplus image because there are changes needed to run that aren't available in a stable release. We will need to update these instructions when the release is available. The METplus 6.0.0-beta5 release is scheduled from June 26 and the next official release will not be available until around November 2024.


pull METplus image

docker pull ${METPLUS_IMAGE}

pull observation input data (for Docker)

docker pull ncar/iwrf:data-matthew-input-obs.docker

create Docker data volume from observation input data

docker create --name data-matthew-input-obs ncar/iwrf:data-matthew-input-obs.docker

choose a working directory (modify to chose a local directory where the user has write permissions)


create a directory to store the output

mkdir -p ${WORKING_DIR}/out

clone the I-WRF GitHub repository

git clone ${WORKING_DIR}/i-wrf

set environment variables to point to METplus config directory, directory containing WRF output, and directory to write output (modify these to match your local directories)


run the METplus use case in the METplus container, mounting the obs data from the data volume and all other inputs/outputs from local directories

docker run --rm -it --volumes-from data-matthew-input-obs -v $LOCAL_METPLUS_CONFIG_DIR:/config -v ${LOCAL_FCST_INPUT_DIR}:/data/input/wrf -v ${LOCAL_OUTPUT_DIR}:/data/output ${METPLUS_IMAGE} /metplus/METplus/ush/ /config/PointStat_matthew.conf